What are the five major reform movements of this time period?
Penal / asylum
Women's rights
Abolition (anti-slavery)
How do the beliefs of the Unitarians differ from the beliefs of the Puritans?
Unitarians believed that people are naturally good; a more positive religion. Puritans believed that most people were going to Hell and that God was pissed at everyone
According to a Unitarian, how does a person show love for God?
By doing good for others
Why did social reform movements occur mainly in the North?
It challenges the way of life in the South
What is meant by "social gospel?"
Apply what you learn in church to daily life to better the world around you. More focus on Jesus
What two religious groups see the greatest increase in membership?
Baptists and Methodists
What was the goal of the temperance movement?
Undertook to eliminate social problems by curbing drinking
Why are there drastic increases and decreases in alcohol consumption in the US?
It depends on if there's war occurring or not
What was the only state that had free public education in 1800?
Why was there a call to increase the tax-funded education in America?
Arguing that the new economic order needed educated workers
Who was the leader of the education movement?
Horace Mann (Secretary of Education in Mass.)
What are some of the things he advocated?
Minimum length school year, training of teachers, update curriculum to include history and geography
How did the education movement impact women?
Opportunities expanded; Oberlin College began accepting women in 1833. Mount Holyoke opened in 1837 as an all-female school
What three places did the asylum movement focus on reforming?
The criminal, the ill, the insane
What changed about the goal of these asylums?
Had originally focused on confinement, but shifted to reform of personal character
Who was the major leader of the asylum reform movement?
Dorothea Dix, a Boston school teacher
What were some of the conditions she reported?
Being chained, kept in cages and closets, beaten with rods