
Cards (41)

  • Blue Laws
    Laws that encompass all water bodies, including rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans, covering fishing regulations and pollution control
  • Amended Fisheries Code (RA 10654)

    Law that aims to prevent illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing
  • Amended Fisheries Code (RA 10654)

    • Focuses on preventing illegal fishing, poaching, and trade of endangered species
    • Protects breeders and spawners of fish species like milkfish (bangus)
    • Aims for sustainable fisheries by managing catch, gear, and habitat
  • Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) Act

    Manages and develops the Laguna Lake region sustainably
  • Laguna Lake Development Authority (LLDA) Act

    • Combats pollution and requires permits for development projects within the lake
    • Current debate: Installation of floating solar panels on the Laguna Lake
  • Brown Laws
    Laws that deal with pollution control and activities affecting the environment, particularly land-based issues
  • Toxic Substances and Hazardous and Nuclear Wastes Control Act (RA 6969)

    Regulates hazardous materials and waste disposal, with a focus on preventing harm to health and environment
  • Philippine Clean Air Act (RA 8749)

    Aims to prevent and manage air pollution, with a focus on the polluter pays principle and clean air as a right
  • Climate Change Act (RA 9729)

    Addresses climate change through mitigation and adaptation strategies, with a focus on protecting the climate system
  • Philippine Clean Water Act (RA 9275)

    Manages water quality by controlling pollution from land-based sources, with a focus on holistic water quality management
  • Ecological Solid Waste Management Act (RA 9003)

    Promotes proper waste management through segregation, collection, and disposal practices, with a focus on environmentally friendly waste handling
  • Common Violations
    • Illegal dumping and disposal of waste
    • Improper waste management practices (burning, littering)
    • Pollution of water bodies
    • Using hazardous materials without permits
    • Violating air quality standards for vehicles and facilities
  • Brown Laws in the Philippines aim to protect public health and the environment from pollution, promote sustainable waste management practices, address climate change and its impacts, and ensure clean air and water resources
  • Rio Declaration
    Adopted in 1992 at the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) in Rio de Janeiro, consisting of 27 principles aimed at promoting sustainable development globally
  • Rio Declaration Principle 1
    • Human beings are at the center of sustainable development concerns and are entitled to a healthy and productive life in harmony with nature
  • Rio Declaration Principle 2
    • States have the right to exploit their own resources but must ensure that activities do not cause environmental damage beyond their borders
  • Rio Declaration Principle 3

    • The right to development must equitably meet the developmental and environmental needs of present and future generations
  • Rio Declaration Principle 4
    • Environmental protection should be an integral part of the development process
  • Rio Declaration Principle 5
    • Eradicating poverty is essential for sustainable development and reducing disparities in living standards
  • Rio Declaration Principle 6
    • Developing countries, especially the least developed and environmentally vulnerable, should receive special priority
  • Rio Declaration Principle 7
    • States should cooperate globally to protect the Earth's ecosystem, with developed countries acknowledging their greater responsibility due to their higher contribution to environmental degradation
  • Rio Declaration Principle 8
    • States should reduce unsustainable production and consumption patterns and promote appropriate demographic policies
  • Rio Declaration Principle 9
    • States should improve scientific understanding and enhance the development and transfer of technologies for sustainable development
  • Rio Declaration Principle 10
    • Environmental issues are best handled with public participation and access to information
  • Rio Declaration Principle 11
    • States should enact effective environmental legislation considering their specific contexts
  • Rio Declaration Principle 12
    • An open international economic system that promotes sustainable development is crucial
  • Rio Declaration Principle 13
    • States should develop laws regarding liability and compensation for environmental damage
  • Rio Declaration Principle 14
    • States should cooperate to prevent the transfer of activities that cause severe environmental degradation
  • Rio Declaration Principle 15
    • The precautionary approach should be widely applied to protect the environment even if there is no full scientific certainty
  • Rio Declaration Principle 16
    • Environmental costs should be internalized, and the polluter should bear the costs of pollution
  • Rio Declaration Principle 17
    • National environmental impact assessments should be conducted for activities with potential significant adverse impacts
  • Rio Declaration Principle 18
    • States should immediately notify others of natural disasters likely to cause environmental harm and seek international cooperation
  • Rio Declaration Principle 19
    • States should provide timely notification and consult with potentially affected states on activities with significant transboundary environmental effects
  • Rio Declaration Principle 20
    • Women's participation is essential for sustainable development
  • Rio Declaration Principle 21
    • Mobilize youth to participate in achieving sustainable development
  • Rio Declaration Principle 22
    • Recognize and support the role of indigenous and local communities in environmental management
  • Rio Declaration Principle 23
    • Protect the environment and resources of people under oppression, domination, and occupation
  • Rio Declaration Principle 24
    • Respect international law protecting the environment during armed conflicts
  • Rio Declaration Principle 25
    • Peace, development, and environmental protection are interdependent and indivisible
  • Rio Declaration Principle 26
    • Environmental disputes should be resolved peacefully