Gilded Age Immigration Notes

Cards (23)

  • Who were the two candidates for President in 1884?
    Republican James G. Blaine and Democrat Grover Cleveland (was Governor of New York)
  • What were the two scandals that plagued each candidate?
    Blaine was accused of receiving bribes. Cleveland was accused of fathering a child out of wedlock (it's true)
  • Who were the Mugwumps?
    Republics fed up with corruption--they voted for Cleveland
  • What were some of Cleveland's political values?
    Support big business and tight money, but lower tariff and railroad regulation
  • How did this affect railroads?

    Charged lower rates or gave rebates to favored customers. Munn v. Illinois that allowed states to regulate got overturned.
  • What did the Interstate Commerce Act accomplish?
    1887: Allowed interstate railroad regulation
  • Who became President in 1888?
    Benjamin Harrison
  • Why did businesses generally support him?
    Harrison backed tariff, so businesses supported him
  • Who became president in 1892? What was unique about this?
    Cleveland returned. He brought an influx of immigrants. Only man to serve 2 non-consecutive terms (22nd and 24th)
  • What happened in 1893?
    Economic slowdown leads to financial crisis. Coxey's army demanded work
  • Who became President in 1896? What ultimately happened to him in his second term?
    McKinley. Re-elected but assassinated in 1900 by Leon Czolgosz
  • About how many people lived in American in 1860?

    15 million Americans
  • How many immigrants come to American between 1865 and 1920?
    30 million immigrants
  • What were the three major reasons so many came during this time period?
    Religious, economic, and political
  • What were the leading countries of origin during the first wave of immigration?
    Germany, 2.8 million
    England, 1.8 million
    Ireland, 1.4 million
  • What were the leading ethnic groups during the second wave?
    Italians, Greeks, Slavs, Jews, Armenians, Russians
  • Where was the major point of entry for immigrants?
    70% came through New York City. 1892, processing began at Ellis Island. Also Boston, Philadelphia, and San Fransisco
  • Why might some immigrants be refused entry?
    Sickness or disease
  • Where did immigrants tend to settle?
    Ghettos in cities--small, ethnic communities
  • What office was formed in 1891? What did it do?
    Superintendent of Immigration to decide who gets in and who doesn't
  • What political party was strongly anti-immigration?
    Know-nothings. Popularized in the 1850s. 1st wave, mostly Irish and German. 2nd, mostly Asians.
  • What ethnic group was severely restricted from 1882-1943?
    Chinese--due to the Chinese Exclusion Act. Japanese as well.
  • What factors caused an increase in immigration in the Southwest?
    1902--New Lands Act reclamation and irrigation of land created new jobs and drew Mexican immigrants north.
    1910-- Mexican Civil War ^