Arbitration is where the parties refer the dispute to a third party, who will act like a judge andgive a decision on the dispute, which is called an award.
what piece of legislation gives a statutory framework for the process and the grounds of appeal?
The Arbitration Act 1996
what does section 1 of the arbitration act 1996 say?
it states that the object of arbitration is to reach a fair resolution through an impartial third party and the parties should choose the nature of the hearing.
what does section 5 of the arbitration act 1996 say?
it states that both parties must agree to the process, and also to abide with the decision of the arbitrator
What is a scott v avery clause?
A clause in commercialcontracts that states that when there is a dispute between the parties, both parties must agree to resolve it with arbitration
is there a fixed process to abitration?
No, the process is left almost entirely to the parties' agreement; they will decide the procedure for appointing an arbitrator, the date, time and place of the hearing
who are arbitrators?
They are a neutral third party who will make the decision in arbitration. Arbitrators may be trained lawyers or laypersons who have expertise in the particularfield involved in the dispute.
What is the purpose of the chartered institute of arbitrators?
They are a body of qualified arbitrators; they are used if the parties cant agree on an arbitrator then the charted institute will allocate one.
what does section 58 of the arbitration act 1996 say?
the decision of the arbitrator is final and legally binding- and will be enforcable by court if needs be.
What does sections 67-69 of the arbitration act 1996 say?
it states that the decision of the arbitrater can be challenged on a point of law.
what is the significance of the case of Kaneria v ECB [2014] EWHC 1348?
It is an example of the decision of the arbitrator's decision being appealed
what types of disputes is arbitration used for?
Arbitration is often used in collective employment related disputes.