Cards (16)

  • MULTIMEDIA is defined as the mixture
    of different content forms such as texts,
    music, photos, or images, interactive
    content, animations, or videos.
    Multimedia is also referred to as RICH
  • User
    is used to evaluate
    the effectiveness of a
    product to
    This is a multimedia type wherein the
    flow of the content is predetermined by
    the creator. The progression of the
    multimedia is straightforward, similar to
    a video clip.
    This is a multimedia type that uses
    navigation components to provide the
    users freedom to move around the
    application and seek the information
    they want. This multimedia type
    prioritizes interactivity with the
  • Multimedia games and
    Information is presented to the audience by imitating a real-life
    information source into its digital environment equivalent.
    Then the users can freely explore the environment to search for
    the information they need.
  • Multimedia
    The information is navigated in a sequence of slideshows and
    uses an application player. (video clips, audio clips, and
    audio-visual slideshows)
  • Multimedia
    This type of multimedia uses different graphical elements and its linked
    to different pages. Web elements such as buttons and text links are also
    Different forms of advertisement use multimedia formats. One of the
    newest forms is the one placed on public Web sites. Companies
    pay Web hosts in exchange for placing ads of their products on
    Web sites.
    This is considered as one of the most popular among multimedia
    applications. Movies are now edited with special effects to enhance
    the experience of the audience. Video games, similar to movies,
    mimic real-life graphics and effects. Furthermore, multimedia
    enabled the interaction between the game and the player.
    Multimedia is now used as an unconventional method of teaching
    and learning. Electronic books and interactive books are some of
    the highlights of multimedia in education. Computer-based learning
    make use of multimedia to enhance user experience and help
    learners visualize lessons.
    Multimedia in corporate and industrial fields play a major role in
    different aspects of the industry from management to sales. The
    most popular industry nowadays probably is the creative industry,
    which depends greatly on the creation of multimedia for arts,
    entertainment, and infographics.
  • Online participation
    It became the start of the interaction between
    users and online facilities to improve user
    experience. You can see several groups of
    individuals that use the web for a certain
  • Video on demand are systems that enable
    users to select video and audio content
    when they want it. This system uses a
    database of videos and audio accessed on
    request by the user.
    is used to transmit or
    broadcast digital radio
    programs over the internet.
    refers to the
    transmission of video
  • OPEN COURSEWARE refers to lecture videos
    that are published by universities on the Web.
    Today, most of these lecture videos can be
    viewed for free. The aim of this program is to
    promote learning and mastery of subject areas,
    not just for students, but for everyone.