Screening and Selection P2

Cards (9)

  • Pre-donation counselling is done to maintain the SAFETY of blood supply and QUALITY of blood products.
  • Pre-donation counselling is done to protect the HEALTH of the donor.
  • Pre-donation counselling is done to fulfill ETHICAL requirement
  • The donor medical history is thoroughly examined by a qualified what?
    medical officer
  • Donor interview should be done in a PRIVATE environment and the PRIVACY and CONFIDENTIALITY of must be observed at all times.
  • When in doubt, what should be done?
  • Temporary deferral: Unable to date for LIMITED PERIOD of time
  • Indefinite deferral: Unable to donate blood for a UNSPECIFIED PERIOD in time due to current regulations.
  • PERMANENT deferral: Will NEVER be allow to donate blood to/ for someone else.