Peripheral Nervous System

Cards (3)

  • PNS
    • All nervous tissue outside of the CNS
    • Consists of sensory nerves that conduct impulses from receptors to CNS and motor nerves that conduct impulses from CNS to effectors.
    • Motor nerves are divided into
    • Somatic nervous system: conducts nerve impulses from CNS to voluntary muscles
    • Autonomic nervous system: conducts nerve impulses from CNS to involuntary muscles and glands.
    • Conducts impulses from receptors to CNS, along sensory neurons.
    • Conduct impulses from CNS to effectors, along motor neurons.
  • Autonomic System(Part of PNS)
    • Control heart rate
    • Control blood pressure
    • Controls peristalsis
  • Structure and functioning of nerves
    • All nerves consist of nerve fibre, held together by connective tissue.
    • Blood vessels occur between these bundles, providing fibres with oxygen and nutrients, & removing waste.