Acute & Chronic Injuries

Cards (21)

  • Acute Injuries
    occurs as a result of a sudden incidents during an event
  • Chronic Injuries
    occur over a period of time, associated with repetitive/continuous overuse or strain
    often caused by increase in intensity, decrease in recovery or poor technique/warm up
  • Hard Tissue Injuries
    damage involving bones, joints & cartilage, can cause internal bleeding & circulatory problems
  • Soft Tissue Injuries
    sprains & strains of muscles, tendons & ligaments, can cause inflammatory & bruising
  • Fractures
    a hard tissue injury where a break or crack in the bone occurs due to excessive force from a collision/object due to poor landing/technique
    SYMPTOMS- pain, inability to move, deformity, swelling, discolouration
  • Dislocations
    the displacement of one bone from another, out of their original position
    it can be from direct or indirect force where the joint is pushed past its normal range of motion
    SYMPTOMS - severe pain, loss of movement, visible deformity
  • Compound Fractures (open)
    where the skin is broken & the bone may protrude through, increasing the risk of infection
  • Simple Fractures (closed)
    the surrounding skin is unbroken, injury to internal tissue may cause swelling
  • Types of Fractures
    • greenstick - bone bends & partially breaks, doesn't completely separate the bone
    • comminuted - bone shatters into 3 or more pieces, long recovery
    • transverse - fracture goes more or less straight across the bone
    • incomplete - partial crack in bone that doesn't completely separate it
    • complete - a total break in bone, separating into one or more fragments
    • avulsion - a bone fragment detached at the site of connective tissue attachment
    • impacted - a break caused by the ends of a bone being compressed together
  • Subluxation
    an incomplete or partial dislocation
  • Stress Fracture
    a hairline crack on the surface of a bone, caused by repeated or prolonged forces against the bone
  • Sprain
    • an overstretch or tear in the ligament that connects bone to bone
    • acute soft tissue injury
    • caused by a sudden twist or an impact/fall that forces joint beyond its extreme range of motion
    SYMPTOMS - pain, swelling, bruising, inability to weight bear
  • Strain
    • an overstretch or tear in the muscle or tendon that connects muscle to bone
    • acute soft tissue injury
    • caused by overstretching a particular area or contracting muscle fibre too quickly
    SYMPTOMS - pain on movement, swelling, discolouration, brusing
  • Abrasions
    • superficial damage to the skin caused by a scraping action against a surface
    • acute soft tissue injury
    • caused by scraping against a playing surface
    SYMPTOMS - blood, pain, soreness
  • Contusions (haematoma)
    • an area of skin or tissue in which the blood vessels have ruptured or torn
    • acute soft tissue injury
    • caused by a fall or direct impact

    SYMPTOMS - pain, swelling, discolouration
  • Blisters
    • friction forming separation of layers of skin where a pocket of fluid forms
    • acute soft tissue injury
    • caused by friction
    SYMPTOMS - bubble filled with fluid, pain
  • Concussion
    • a traumatic brain injury resulting in a disturbance of brain function
    • acute soft tissue injury
    • caused by a fall or blow to the head
    SYMPTOMS - headache, nausea, confusion, blurry vision
  • Tendinosis
    • the deterioration of a tendon in response to chronic overuse & repetitive strain
    • chronic soft tissue injury
    • caused by repetitive strain

    SYMPTOMS - burning, stinging, aching, tenderness
  • Achilles Tendinosis
    • pain & deterioration of the tendon in the heel due to over use & repetitive strain
    • chronic soft tissue injury
    • cause by repetitive strain

    SYMPTOMS - pain, tightness, pain when using stairs
  • Tennis Elbow
    • tendon pain in the forearm due to chronic overuse & repetitive strain
    • chronic soft tissue injuries
    • caused by repetitive strain from twisting action
    SYMPTOMS - pain, tightness, limited movement
  • Shin Splints
    • chronic shin pain due to inflammation of muscles & stress of the tendon attachments to the surface of the tibia
    • chronic soft tissue injuries
    • caused by excess weight, inadequate footwear, poor technique training load
    SYMPTOMS - pain