feminist theories

Cards (13)

  • The Male Gaze (Laura Mulvey)

    describes the way in which women become objects of sexual objects in films and other media; to look at and judge someone's appearance is active, and therefore masculine, but to be the object of that gaze and judgement is passive, and therefore feminine
  • Voyeurism (Mulvey)

    • The pleasure of looking at others whilst remaining anonymous.
    • This is often associated with the idea of looking to gain an illicit pleasure from media products
    • more covert sexualisation
  • Patriarchy
    A form of social organization in which males dominate females
  • Sexualisation
    making someone or something sexual
  • levey - Raunch Culture
    • Highly sexualized American culture in which women are objectified, objectify one another, and are encouraged to objectify themselves
    • overt sexualisation of females e.g Charlie xcx in GQ article, Zendaya
  • Post-feminism
    • The belief that we have transcended gender inequalities
    • adaptations to earlier waves of feminism
    • focuses on perceived contradictions, absences or limitations of early waves of feminism
  • Female Gaze
    how women see and deconstruct media, presenting men and the male body as objects of female pleasure through emotion and character identification
  • Van Zoonen
    gender and power
    gender as discourse
  • van zoonen - gender and power
    • Advocates that the presentation of women's bodies as objects to be looked at is a core element of patriarchal culture.
    • In mainstream culture, the visual and narrative codes that are used to construct the male body are different from those used to objectivity the female body.
    • argues women often objectified due to the fact we live in patriarchal society
  • Van Zoonen - gender as discourse
    • Gender is constructed through discourse, and that its meaning varies according to cultural and historical context.
    • believes we get our ideas of gender through the media
    • our ideas about gender change based on historical and cultural contexts in which it is produced
    • looked as liberal, radical and marxist feminist views of gender representations in media
  • bell hooks - intersectionality and feminism 

    • argued that other factors such as race and class, as well as sex, determine the extent to which individuals are exploited.
    • The idea of feminism is a political commitment rather than a lifestyle choice, feminism is a struggle to end sexist/patriarchal oppression and the whole ideology of domination
  • van zoonen stated masculinity was often defined as individualistic, ruthless and combative  
  • lipstick feminism
    • third wave of feminism that allows women to portray themselves as equal to men in terms of their sexuality by expressing it in anyway they choose
    • seeks to embrace traditional concepts of femininity, including the sexual power of women, alongside traditional feminist ideas.