what did the Israeli government do to east Jerusalem after the 6 day war?
annexed it and encircled the city with Jewish settlements
the palestinian arabs in gaza and the west bank were put under what israeli control?
military rule
in what ways did the israelis consider the palestinian arabs showing resistance?
holding a rally or demonstration, organising a strike or just waving the palestinian flag
how did israeli troops deal with this resitance?
rounded up PLO suspects and others who they saw a threat, 1000s were jailed without trial, some tortured and hundreds deported, houses blown up, leaving their families homeless.
what did the Israeli army do to land and declare it to be?
confiscated land and declared it to be Jewish property, done for security reasons and also building jewish settlements for 1000s of jewish civilians to move in
why did Israeli military authorities also build roads?
to link the towns and settlements
what did the israeli military authorities establish?
military camps and checkpoints
what was another reason for building jewish settlements?
were determined to colonise the west bank, as they saw the west bank as the land promised t them from god and so they never wanted to give it back to the palestininans
by 1987, how many jews were living in settlements and around jerusalem?
over 80,000
how many jews were living in the west bank and in gaza by 1987?