1.3 lipids

Cards (10)

  • name two groups of lipids
    triglycerides and phospholipids
  • structure of a fatty acid
    variable R-group - hydrocarbon chain (saturated or unsaturated)
    COOH group is a carboxyl group
  • differences between saturated and unsaturated fatty acids
    saturated has no c=c double bonds in hydrocarbon chain as all carbons are fully saturated with hydrogen
    unsaturated has one or more c=c double bond in hydrocarbon chain (creating bend/link)
  • describe how triglycerides form
    1 glycerol molecule and 3 fatty acids
    condensation reaction
    removing 3 water molecules
    forming 3 ester bonds
  • how the properties of triglycerides are related to their structure
    high ratio of C-H bonds to carbon atoms in hydrocarbon chain
    so used in respiration to release more energy than same mass of carbohydrates
    hydrophobic/non-polar fatty acids so insoluble in water (clump together as droplets)
    so no effect on water potential of cell (or can be used for waterproofing)
  • difference between the structure of triglycerides and phospholipids
    one of the fatty acids of a triglycerides is substituted by a phosphate-containing group
  • describe how the properties of phospholipids relate to their structure
    phosphate heads are hydrophilic so are attracted to water so point to water (aqueous environment) either side of membrane
    fatty acid tails are hydrophobic so repelled by water so point away from water/to interior of membrane
  • function of phospholipids
    form a bilayer in cell membrane, allowing diffusion of lipid-soluble (non-polar) or very small substance and restricting movement of water-soluble (polar) or larger substances
  • function of triglycerides
    energy store
  • test for lipids
    add ethanol
    shake to dissolve lipids
    add water
    positive result is a milky white emulsion