Sleep circuits

Cards (63)

  • What are the weaker vs the stronger frequency waves/bands ?
    Gama is the strongest and delta is the weakest
  • When do you have spindles vs slow waves ?
    • Spindles : during stage 2 of SWS
    • Slow waves : during SWS aka non rem
  • How to study sleep in rodents ?
    • EEG
    • EMG
    • Whisker movement
  • What are the 5 modulatory systems of sleep and wakefulness ?
    • subcortical with ARAS
    • wake promoting with the various NT
    • sleep promoting
    • homeostasis promoting
    • REM sleep system
  • Whats the difference between RTN and reticular formation?
    • RTN is a nucleus in the thalamus
    • RF is in the brain stem
  • What is the seesaw model for sleep ?
    • VLPO activated
    • LC, raphe, TMN desactivated
  • The seesaw model suggests what ?
    An inhibitory relationship between sleep promoting and wake promoting regions
  • What is the ARAS system ?
    Reticular region in brain stem sending projections : dorsally to thalamus and ventrally to hypothalamus and basal forebrain.
  • What is the Borbely's model ?
    The model saying there are 2 processes involved in sleep regulation circadian rhythm and homeostatic control
  • What happens when you have add adenosine in brain ?
    1. Activates Rc on GABA neurons in VLPO
    2. Inhibit histamine neuron TMN
    3. Sleep promoting
  • What structure has histamine ?

  • What structure has ORX ?
  • What structures has dopamine ?
  • What structure has NE ?
  • What molecule you have in Raphe ?
  • What strucutres has Ach ?
    BS and BF
  • What is BF in the brain ?
    Basal forebrain ?
  • What structure needs to be activated in REM sleep regulation ?
  • What's the pathway from VLPO ?
    1. Inhibits VLPAG + LC and LH (+ the rest)
    2. VLPAG can't inhibit SLD
    3. SLD activates VMN
    4. VMN inhibits MN (motorneurons)
  • Normally what does SLD do ?
    Activate VMN
  • Normally what does VLPAG does ?
    Inhibit SLD
  • What happens if VLPAG is activated : sleep or not sleep ?
    Not sleep
  • Where do the 5 main wake-promoting neuromodulatory system project to ?
  • What are the 2 regions of 5HT ?
    vmPFC and Raphe
  • Which NT is also involved in REM sleep on top of wakefulness ?
  • What are 3 methods to study stage rhythms ?
    • Action potential
    • Local field potential
    • EEG
  • What is LFP ?
    The summed up synaptic current from apical dendrites of neurons
  • What is the exception of the thalamic nuclei that does not project to the cortex ?
  • What are the 3 types of nuclei in the thalamus ?
    • relay
    • association
    • non specific
  • Where do the relay nuclei project ?
    In the primary sensory nuclei
  • Where do the non specific nuclei project ?
  • Where do the excitatory thalamic signal project to (2 places !) ?
    • RTN
    • Cortex
  • Where do RTN signals project to ?
  • What are the 2 types of relay in the thalamus ?
    The first order relay and the high order relay
  • Where do ascending sensory pathways connect TC cells : proximal or distal ?

    Proximal dendrites
  • Give one example of 1st order thalamic relay that has both drivers and modulators ?
  • What are the red and green synapses ?
    A) Modulator
    B) driver
  • Which ones are on the proximal dendrite of LGN : modulators or drivers ?
  • Which ones are on the distal dendrite of LGN : modulators or drivers ?
  • What are the post synaptic Rc of modulators and 2 characteristics ?
    Metabotropic = slow and facilitating