Trichomonas tenax

Cards (1)

  • Trichomonas tenax TROPHOZOITE
    = Synonym: Trichomonas gingivalis
    = Size: 5-14 um
    = Shape: Oval, Pear-shaped
    = Nucleus:
    + 1 (one)
    + Ovoid Nucleus with Vesicular Chromatin Granules
    = Flagella:
    + 4 Anterior
    + 1 Posterior of the Undulating Membrane
    = Other Feature:
    + Conical Cytostome Cleft (Anterior)
    + Undulating Membrane (2/3 of Body Length)
    + Thick Axostyle (curved)
    + Small Anterior Cystostome
    + Unable to survive the DIGESTIVE PROCESS