
Cards (37)

  • What are the five sampling techniques?
    Random, systematic, stratified, opportunity, volunteer
  • What is a population?
    A group of people who are the focus of the researcher
  • Population: A group of people who are the focus of the researcher
  • Sample: A group of people drawn from the population who take part in the investigation
  • What is bias?

    Where certain groups are over/under represented within a sample
  • What is the effect of bias?
    Limits generalisability from the sample to the population
  • What is generalisation?
    The extent to which findings can be applied to the population
  • The sample drawn from the population must be representative so generalisation is possible
  • What is a sample?
    A group of people who take part in an investigation drawn from a population
  • What is random sampling?
    All members of a target population have an equal chance to be selected
  • How do you complete a random sample?
    1 ) Obtain list of population
    2 ) Assign names w/ numbers
    3 ) Sample selected thru lottery methods
  • What is a systematic sample?
    Where every nth member of the target population is selected
  • How do you complete a systematic sample?
    1 ) Produce sampling frame
    2) Nominate sampling system
    3 ) Work through until sample is complete
  • What are strata?
  • What is a stratified sample?
    The composition of the sample reflects the proportions of people in certain strata within the population
  • How do you complete a stratified sample?
    1 ) Identify strata
    2 ) Proportions worked out
    3 ) Participants making up each strata selected by random sampling
  • What is an opportunity sample?
    Selecting anyone who is willing and available
  • What is a volunteer sample?
    Participants selecting themselves (self-selection)
  • How do you complete a volunteer sample?
    Placing an advert in a newspaper
  • Strengths: Random sampling
    Unbiased - internal validity
  • Limitations: Random sampling
    Can be unrepresentative
    May refuse to take part
  • Strengths: Systematic sampling
  • Limitations: Systematic sampling
    May refuse to take part
  • Strengths: Stratified sampling
  • Limitations: Stratified sampling
    Stratification is not perfect - not completely representative
  • Strengths: Opportunity sampling
    Convenient - less costly/time-consuming
  • Limitations: Opportunity sampling
    Bias - researcher bias/unrepresentative
  • Strengths: Volunteer sampling
    Easy - less costly/time-consuming
    More engaged participants
  • Limitations: Volunteer sampling
    Volunteer bias
  • What are behavioural categories?
    Categories of behaviour - target behaviour broken up
  • What must behavioural categories be?
  • Why must behavioural categories be observable?
  • What is time sampling effective in doing?
    Reducing number of observations
  • What is a problem with time sampling?
    May be unrepresentative
  • What is it important behavioural categories are?
    Clear and unambiguous
  • What must behavioural categories not require?
    Further interpretation
  • What must behaviour categories NOT do?