The policies of New Labour was to reduce inequality and marketise by providing better choice and diversity
Education Action Zones would provide deprived areas with extra funding/recourses for education
Education Action Zones impacted people as it didn't really tackle the problem and any investment without local consultation can fail
Education Maintenance Allowance gave working class pupils up to 30 quid a week for attending every single day of school
The impact of Education Maintenance Allowance was it lead to many unmotivated pupils in the classroom
Education Maintenance Allowance was supported by Sugarman
National Literacy and Numeracy Strategies enforced a certain number of hours of the areas in school
National Literacy and Numeracy Strategies was not an issue for all schools they were enforced at, and wasn't compulsory for all schools
Reduced class sizes in Primary schools set the limit of class sizes to 30 pupils to ensure more individual teacher attention
Reduced class sizes in Primary Schools would impact secondary school class sizes negatively
Reduced class sizes in Primary Schools has since been scrapped
Raised the school leaving age meant all children stayed in education longer to eradicate the emerging issue of not in education, employment or training groups (NEET)
Raising the school leaving age didn't address the issues of truancy and anti-social behaviour and didn't make it clear if parents were responsible to monitor it or not
The issue with policies to reduce inequality is they are very expensive
The introduction of academies and specialist schools were both marketisation policies of the New Labour Government
Academies were schools that were failing could opt out of LEAs and become partially/entirely funded by businesses
Academies were very rare in New Labour
The impact of the introduction of Academies was businesses may have a working model but could they work in schools
Specialist schools would specialise in certain areas giving better choice to parents
The impact of specialist schools was they preform better at GCSEs and narrow the gap of boys and girls, also they received additional funding, which could explain this
Marxists are critical of marketisation because it gave even more power to the bourgeoise
<EVAL> New Labour Policies
-Gap of working and middle class still exists
-Private schools still exist
-Gillborn/Youdell found low ability streams still exist