Family diversity

    Cards (10)

    • Symmetrical family- Willmott and Young
      Form of nuclear family that is privatised. Family spend most of the time in home and have little contact with extended kin. Conjugal roles supposedly more symmetrical
    • Beanpole family- Brannen
      Type of nuclear family that isn't part of a wider extended kinship network due to families having fewer children
    • Matrifocal family- Squire
      Defines matrifocal family as one that is headed by the mother, mainly found in low-income communities
    • Reconstituted family- Allan et al

      Suggest reconstituted family is a fairly problematic and complicated structure. Children with new 'step' siblings may conflict, difficulties regarding authority with 'step' parent
    • Single-parent family- Mooney et al

      suggests parental conflict can have more detrimental effect on child development than parental separation. Single parent may provide more stability
    • Living Apart Together- Duncan and Phillips
      LATs show how young people prefer to maintain a level of individualism
    • Same-sex relationships- Dunne
      States lesbian households most likely to be symmetrical due to lack of traditional assumptions made about roles of each partner
    • The Rapoport's CLOGS: Claim that due to changes caused by globalisation + postmodern world, family diversity is norm. Types: CLOGS- cultural, life stage, organisation, generational, social class diversity
    • Giddens- family diversity= norm, individuals free to form 'pure relationships' that bring happiness rather than empty shell marriages
    • Life Course
      Life course= social phases we progress through, throughout our lives.
      Carol Smart- suggests increasing individuals are able to make choices about their life courses to plan and make own choices
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