applications (part C)

Cards (2)

  • ravens progressive matrices
    pen and paper test, consisting of two items arranged into five sets. each item presents sequences of geometrical patterns, one pattern is missing and the participant must select the appropriate pattern. the 12 items within each set get increasingly more difficult.
    this assesses fluid intelligence by using non-verbal items (makes it more culturally fair), which is a core component of spearman's general intelligence, 'g' measures the ability to think logically and identify patterns within complex information
  • Wechsler intelligence scale for children(WISC)
    measures five main forms of intellectual functioning, each one is assessed by two subjects (ten in total) assessing how the child uses language skills in new situations e.g. assessing similarities between words, or defining a word or object other tests include block design, matrices reasoning etc.
    standardised test that can give a useful insight into potential supports. Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences as the subtests cover a range of intelligences, some issues with cultural bias (language-based)