Lesson 2

Cards (27)

  • prejudice - the negative feeling or attitude towards a person or a group even if it lacks basis
  • The word prejudice comes from Latin roots prae (in advance) and judicum (judgment) which means judge before
  • Stereotype - refers to the negative opinion about a person or a group based on incomplete knowledge
  • discrimination - refers to the negative actions toward members of a specific social group that may be manifested in avoidance, aversion, or even violence
  • Prejudice includes 3 components of attitude:
    • cognitive
    • affective
    • behavioral
  • Types of prejudice:
    • racism
    • sexism
    • heterosexism
    • classism
    • looksism
    • ageism
    • linguicism
    • religious intolerance
  • racism - the belief that one's own cultural or racial heritage is innately superior to that of others, hence, the lack of respect or appreciation for those who belong to a "different race"
  • sexism - a system of attitudes, actions, and actions that subordinates others on the basis of their sex where the usual victims are women.
  • heterosexism - negative attitudes towards lesbian and gay men
  • classism - distancing from and perceiving the poor as "the other"
  • looksism - prejudice against those who do not measure up to set standards of beauty
  • ageism - negative attitudes held against the young or the elderly
  • linguicism - negative attitudes which members of dominant language groups hold against non-dominant language group.
  • religious intolerance - prejudice against those who are followers of religions other that one's own
  • 2 categories of stereotype:
    • individual stereotypes
    • group stereotypes
  • individual stereotype - are attitudes toward individual people. Examples are attributions based on people's name, physical appearance
  • group stereotypes - attitudes based on whether the person is a member of an in/out group
  • Attitudes are said to have 3 components:
    • cognitive component
    • affective component
    • behavioral component
  • cognitive component - comprises a set of beliefs about the group or individual
  • affective component - is a feelings towards the group or individual
  • behavioral component - set of behaviors or actions directed towards the group or individual based on the other two components.
  • A stereotype is an example of implicit personality theory. Such theory attribute internal properties to a person, such as character traits, on the basis of external properties.
  • prejudiced may be challenged by teaching tolerance
  • tolerance - is the respect, acceptance, and appreciation of the rich diversity of cultures and various forms of human expression (UNESCO)
  • UNESCO asserts that education is the most effective means of preventing intolerance.
  • Article 1.2 of the Declaration of Race and Racial Prejudice stipulates that all individuals and groups have the right to be different
  • Stereotype - is an attitude towards a person or group on the basis of some physical characteristic or physical fact.