found that people with low self esteem when asked to write essay about their favourite celeb experienced boost in self esteem
did not gain same benefits with real life rs
shows that if you absorb yourself in your favourite celebrity then you do experience a higher sense of identity explaining why people form one sided rs with celebs
X use of questionnaires - aa model?
pro - efficient in measurement of levels of ps rs as its time & cost efficient way to gain large sample size - can gather alot of data to help find patterns & trends
con - suffer from social desirability bias & could lie about how obsessed they are with their favourite celebrity as they may feel embarrassed & play down their obsession
although we can collect lots of data using this methodology findings may be based on inaccurate info so conclusion that people with ps rs have deficiency in an area of life may not be accurate
X correlational - aa model?
pro - allows us to look at variables we cant manipulate so its more ethical
eg cant force someone to form ps rs with somebody/experience life deficiency & see whether or not they become obsessed with celebrity but can look at rs between co variables that already coexist
con - cant establish c & e & dont know which variable is affecting which
does having life deficiencies/if there are other factors affecting ps rs
even though its more ethical to use correlational its difficult to draw accurate conclusions about c & e rs between life deficiencies & formation of ps rs
X socially sensitive - aa model?
if someone completes CAS & is told they are level 3 they may then begin to feel ashamed/embarrassed disclosing info about how obsessed they are with celebrities
? credible
its socially sensitive area & we may cause psychological harm to someone by asking them about their relationships & causing them to feel shame & embarrassment