Cards (6)

  • * empirical evidence from van goozen 1995?
    • conducted study to see if changes in testosterone levels altered aggressive behaviour
    • followed sample of transgenser patients before & after hormone therapy
    • bio males to females decreased testosterone levels
    • bio females to males increased levels
    • found tendency for aggression to decrease in male to female transitions/vice versa
    • shows when we experimentally manipulate/alter biochemistry it impacts behaviour
    • high levels of testosterone linked to aggression levels - biological cause
  • * evidence from dabbs 1995?
    • measured testosterone levels from saliva of 692 adult male prisoners
    • found there was much higher levels of testosterone in violent offenders - rapists that in non violent who commited petty crime - burglars/theives
    • shows high levels of testosterone linked to increased aggression levels
    • those who were more violent had increased levels adding to validity
  • X contradictory evidence from dabbs?
    • study is correlational so its a more ethical way of studyiny hormonal mechanisms in aggression
    • would be unethical to manipulate testosterone levels
    • HOWEVER we dont know whether is is abnormality with hormones which causes aggression or whether person is already aggressive which changes their hormonal structure
    • may be other factors involved - childhood upbringing
    • affects aggression
  • evidence from beeman 1947?
    • castrated male mice reducing levels of testosterone so aggressivess reduced
    • later injected mice with testosterone which re-established their aggression
    • shows testosterone does influence aggression
    • when castrated testosterone levles decreased showing less aggression
    • reinforces hypothesis that high levels of testosterone increase aggression
  • X contradictory evidence from beeman?
    • more ethical to research on animals
    • too unethical to castrate human males to lower their levels of testosterone to see effect this would have on aggression - breaks protection from harm
    • HOWEVER difficult to generalise findings to humans as our biology is much more complex & we have different intellectual/social/emotional experiences that affect behaviour
    • so cannot say that having higher level of testosterone in humans will cause aggression same as mice
  • X biologically deterministic?
    • pro: cause & effect so empirical & used to develop practical applications to treat agg
    • allows us predict & prevent future behaviour eg identify whos at risk look at levels of hormone & meds to prevent imbalance
    • con: implies that agg caused by biochem - out of our control/not in free will
    • potential socially sensitive - criminals absolved - less responsible - biochem/hormone
    • may upset/offend victims/families
    • feel removal of blame minimises significance of trauma
    • excuse/normalise agg in others
    • males naturally have more testos -lead to negative stereotyping