stimulated hypothalamus (part of limbic system) of monkeys with mild electric cuurents & found they attacked other monkeys
shows limbic system as whole plays role in aggression
works holistically to govern our emotions
when stimulated leads to increase in aggression
* charles whitman case study?
1/8/66 former US marine killed 16 & wounded32 pople - firedrifles/shot gun/handguns from 28th floor observation deck of tower of uni of texas & later shot by police
autopsy - brain tumour in region of amygdala
bouts of intense rage before & admitted to overwhelming periods of hostility with minimumprovocation
supports role of neural mechanisms
shows when damage present within l.s unable to regulate emotional responses - results in aggression/violent acts
was rage alone sufficient - systematically planned violence first on fam members & random members of public
X contradictory theory of social psychological cause?
slt suggests instead of being down to innate biological factors aggression explained in terms of environmental exposure
beleives its a learnt behaviour developed through observation & imitation of aggressive role models - vicariously reinforced
ignores role of environment
may be best to look at aggression from more holisitic pov & take into account environmental factors - learning
interactionist apprach more appropriate
X biologically deterministic?
pro: cause & effect so empirical & used to develop practical applications to treataggression
allows us predict & preventfuture behaviour eg identify whos at risk look at levels of nt & meds to prevent imbalance
con: implies that aggression caused by brain chem/physical structure - out of our control/not in free will
potential socially sensitive - criminals being absolved - less responsible for crimes due to brainstructure/chem
may upset/offend victims/families
feel removal of blame minimises significance of trauma