Cards (5)

  • * evidence from kane & janus 1981?
    • found that people wo had lower level of education & were unemployed were more likely to be violent & aggressive in prisons than those who were not
    • shows that when you have dispositional traits - low levels of education outside of prison then it causes aggression in prison
  • * evidence from de lisi 204?
    • studied 831 US male inmates & found that there was significant correlation between gang membership (outside) & prison aggression
    • sows that dispositional traits of being in a gang outside of prison led to inside prison aggression when arrested
  • X correlational research?
    • cause & effect relationship cannot be established between gang membership as a dispositional trait & aggression within prison
    • may be other factors that cause inmates to be aggressive
    • eg in prisons may be fear for their own safety resulting in aggression
    • cannot be concluded that only dispositional factors influence aggression
    • may be other factors
    • shows explanation lacks accuracy
  • X may be a better explanation?
    • this model suggests that only factors to do with a person causes them to be aggressive within an institution
    • completely ignores situation of prison that could contribute to aggression
    • better explanation - takes into account both situational & dispositional explanations - interactionist model
    • eg diathesis stress model
    • we are all predisposed to same dispositional factors (biology) but we need situation factors (prison) to trigger aggression.
    • may be better holistic explanations
  • X contradicted by deprivation model?
    • this model suggests that aggression in an institution is due to situational factors
    • its loss of key needs that leads to aggression
    • not dispositional factors outside of prison that are imported into prison that cause aggressive behaviour
    • may be better explanation for institutional aggression than importation model