found that prison overcrowding leads to increased aggression
when there are more people in prison theres more competition for resources
so people join gangs in order to get more resources leading to group aggression
shows when theres overcrowding & lack of resources in prison
leads to aggression in prisoners
* helps explain why riots occur?
in most causes prison riots occur as a result of withdrawal of privileges/lack of reason as to why
over 300 prisoners noted the day prior to ban of smoking meant that they were deprived of their goods & services
led to them being aggressive in prison setting
shows that when prisoners are deprived of goods & services as a situational factor
they become aggressive within prison setting
showing its environmental rather than dispositional factor causing aggression
X contradicted by importation model?
this is because this model states that aggression in prisons is due to dispositional factors outside of prison that cause aggression to be imported into prison within inmate
deprivation model states that its prison environment that causes people to become aggressive
this model may be a better explanation for instituitional aggression'
X better explanations?
this model suggested that factors to do with prisonenvironment causes prisoners to be aggressive within institution
completely ignores features of person that could cause them to be aggressive
better explanations takes into account both situational & dispositional explanations - interactionist model
eg diathesis stress model
people are predisposed to be aggressive in institution (dispositional) it is situational factors that triggersaggressive behaviour/
diathesis stress model may be better suited explanation to take into account more of contributing factors