* evidence to support desensitisation by weisz & earls 1995?
showed 1 group film strawdog - contained prolonged & graphic scene of rape
then watched re-enactment of rapetrial
other group only watched re-enactment
found p in g1 showed greater acceptance of sexual aggression & expressed lesssympathy towards rapevictim & less likely to find defendant guilty
shows that when people have watched media violence they are less sensitive to real life violence
X ignores individual differences for desensitisation?
media influence is widespread - many people watch aggressive films/tv shows & play aggressive computer games
but not everyone becomes desensitised to real life violence
even though some people play aggressive computer games they still show emotion towards real life violence & dont necessarily become aggressive themselves
we cant say that just because media influence is widespread that everyone will become aggressive/desensitised to real life aggression
X only effective in some forms of media for disinhibition?
its clear that in computer games theres a feeling of being anonymous & minimisation of authority so disinhibition more likely to occur & people be more aggressive
it may not occur when people watch aggressive tv/film
so does not explain all aggressive behaviour
X explains aggression whilst playing video games for disinhibition?
it explains why person is unusually aggressive whilst playing computer game
but does not explain long term aggression
when they finishplaying game they are no longer anonymous & do not have minimisation of authority so less likely to be aggressive
does not explain long term aggression so could be other factors - genetics that better explain aggression
* evidence to support from murray 2007 for CP?
gave fmri scans on children watching violent & non violent films
found that those watching violence had an increasedbrainactivity in areas associated with emotion (aggression) & personal memories (schemas)
when watching violence it cues aggressive acts to be added to their schema which is then used in real life when same/similar cues are seen
X correlational for CP?
pro - relationship can be established between cognitivepriming & aggression as evidenced from murray
con - not causal relationship as other factors (genetics) could influence aggression - levels of serotonin they possess
cause & effect relationship cannot be established between CP & aggression or whether there are other factors that cause aggression
X another better explanation?
psychodynamic explanation says that actually being exposed to aggression in media can actually reduce aggression not increase it
suggests that aggression in media as carthaticeffect so playingaggressive games/watching aggression in media allows person to release their aggressiveinstincts - lowering their aggression in reallife.
it states that media reduces aggression rather than increases it
would suggest that there are better explanations for mediainfluences on aggression - psychodynamic explanation