Environmental challenges

Cards (10)

  • Water pollution
    Toxic chemicals in water are leading to water contaminations which is contribution to an increase in waterborne diseases (cholera). 77% of households have polluted water
  • Air pollution
    Growth in industry and increasing car numbers are contributing towards air pollution which is hazardous to the health of Mumbai's residents
  • 22 Million vehicles in Mumbai

    22 million registered vehicles in Mumbai contribute towards air pollution and traffic jams
  • waste
    7500 metric tones of waster is produced every day in Mumbai due to no comprehensive city based system of collection. Despite the introduction of a recycling zone waste still remains a major problem in Mumbai and especially in slum areas
  • Mumbai had the 6th highest level of air pollution in India
  • Many people in the city are dependent on public transport
  • Buses and trains are often overcrowded
  • Traffic congestion is a significant problem in Mumbai, and peak traffic times can last several hours
  • Air pollution is very high due to the high number of old, inefficient cars
  • There is little regulation of emissions from factories