perception is the organisation and interpretation and sensory information. the combination of the information received and the brains interpretation of what that means.
the nativist view
the nativist view is that humans are born with at least some genetically determined perceptual abilities even if they are not all immediately evident and only appear later
the constructivists view
the constructivists view is that our perceptual abilities develop through learning as we make sense of the sensations, we experience so we are born with very few or no perceptual abilities.
the interactionists view
the interactionists view is that we are born with strong predisposition to develop certain perceptual abilities that are important for survival (perceiving depth or distance) but these develop in response to experiences we have of a complex sensory environment (shadows and textures)
have found that people can distinguish more easily between the faces of individuals from their ow ethnic group than other ethnic groups. visual preferences for faces are shaped and modified by familiarity and experience of the environment.
motion parallax?
refers to the visual effect where objects closer to you seem to move faster across your field of vision compared to objects. uses motion to judge distance, this happens because of the way our eyes and brains work together
texture gradient?
the further away the object the less detailed they become. the texture gradient (changes in level of detail) helps us perceive the length and depth of things.