applications (part C)

Cards (4)

  • shape sorter toys (how)

    the shape sorter toy will be placed in front of the child, they will be attracted by the bright colours and will try to place it in the correct holes. they will need to manipulate the shape in order to find the correct match. this will involve visual perception and hand eye coordination, rewarded when successful. can be repeated once or used again but should be played for 20-30 mins each day to develop these skills
  • shape sorter toys (why)

    developing form constancy is beneficial to the visual development and needed in order to read and write. this promotes social interactions.
    Newman - found that block play helped improve their ability to mentally rotate an object after just five play sessions. this shows the benefit of visual based play tasks.
  • sensory integration therapy (how)

    an occupational therapist will assess a child's sensory processing. they will make a structured plan of sensory activities that could include, cooking, playing with textures or physical activities. these would happen for an hour everyday at home or in therapy sessions which would maximise their exposure to SIT and sensory experiences
  • sensory integration therapy (why)
    Ayres - developed SIT for children who had difficulties processing sensory information. the tailored activities are unique to each child and uses all their senses. whilst progressively getting more complex. by increasing their exposure any negative reactions can be reduced as there's a less likely chance of the child experiencing sensory overload.