Cards (7)

  • piaget
    states that cognitive development occurs through the gaining of and updating of schemata. a schema is a mental representation of some aspect of the world. each person has a slightly different schema which is due to differences in experiences but there aare aspects of schemata that most people tend to share.
  • piagets theory of cognitive development states that children travel through four distinct stages at roughly the same chronological ages and that these are universal. (SPCF)
    1. sensorimotor
    2. pre-operational
    3. concrete operational
    4. formal operational
  • sensorimotor
    learn via senses
  • pre-operational
    learn language and meaning, cannot see thing from other perspectives
  • concrete operational

    can reason with concrete examples and consider more than one perspective
  • formal operational
    can reason and use abstract logic, understand hypothetical situations
  • Vygotsky
    cognitive development was strongly affected by culture and language, and placed more emphasis on the importance of social factors, was something that occurred through social interaction in a guided learning environment.