Cards (10)

  • aim
    to examine some of the major implications of the interactive, instructional relationship between the developing child and their tutor for the study of skill acquisition and problem solving in different age groups.
    (how different ages of children respond to help)
  • research method
    controlled observation
    harvard univeristy
    20 minutes to an hour
  • participants
    30 children
    cambridge, massachusetts
    divided into age groups (3,4,5)
    divided into gender (5 boys and 5 girls)
    middle, lower class
  • procedure - the task
    used a toy that had 21 blocks that made a standing pyramid which had 6 levels
    they were told they could play with the blocks and left to play for 5 minutes. the tutor would take two of the smaller blocks and show the child how to join them unless they had already worked this out
  • procedure- the task

    the tutor then recognised and responded systematically to three types of responses from the child:
    1. if the child ignored her, they would repeat the presentation if assembling the blocks
    2. if the child took the blocks and manipulated them, the tutor would verbally draw their attention and would ask them to do it again
    3. if the child tried to make something the tutor would correct any errors made
  • procedure- the score

    each act of construction by every child was classified as either:
    • trying to assemble the blocks, assisted
    • trying to assemble the blocks, unassisted
    • manipulating the blocks, assisted
    • manipulating the blocks, unassisted
  • procedure- the score
    the tutors intervention were also noted by the researcher:
    • direct assistance
    • verbal error prompt
    • verbal attempt to get the child to make more constructions
  • results
    • 3 yr olds could not put four blocks together correctly, 4-5 yr olds were able to do this at least once
    • 3 yr olds took apart as many block constructions as they put together whereas 4-5 yr olds were less likely to do this
  • analysis of tutors role
    • recruitment
    • reduction of degrees of freedom
    • direction maintenance
    • marking critical features
    • frustration control
    • demonstration
  • conclusions
    this means the results showed that comprehension does precede production, because the 3yro were able to recognise a correct solution before they could provide it.
    the younger ages were not as ready to be tutored