Food testing - PRACTICAL

Cards (11)

  • You can use qualitative reagents to test for a range of carbohydrates , lipids and proteins. These qualitative tests show if a substance is present but not how much for example proteins
  • Aim - to investigate different types of food to identify the substances they contain
  • Apparatus:
    • eye protection
    • Test tubes and rack
    • hot water bath - beaker with boiling water
    • distilled water
    • Benedict's solution
    • iodine solution
    • Ethanol solution
    • biuret reagent
    • food samples
  • To test for sugars:
    1. Mix a small food sample with a small amount ( 2cm² ) of distilled water
    2. Add a few drops of benedict's solution and heat in hot water bath for 5 minutes - record any colour change
  • To test for starch:
    1. Mix a small food sample with a small amount ( 2cm² ) of distilled water.
    2. Add a few drops of iodine solution - record any colour change
  • To test for lipids :
    1. Mix a small food sample with a small amount ( 2cm² ) of distilled water
    2. Add a few drops of ethanol solution and shake to mix - record when a cloudy upper layer forms
  • To test for proteins :
    1. Mix a small food sample with a small amount ( 2cm² ) of distilled water
    2. Add an equal volume of biuret reagent and shake to mix - record any colour change .
  • Sugars not present -> Benedict's solution -> turns blue
    Sugars present -> Benedict's solution -> green / orange / red
  • Starch not present -> Iodine solution -> orange / brown
    Starch present -> Iodine solution -> blue / black
  • Lipids not present -> Ethanol -> red upper layer
    Lipids present -> Ethanol -> cloudy upper layer
  • Proteins not present -> Biuret reagent -> blue
    Proteins present -> Biuret reagent -> pink / purple