Weight is the force that acts on an object due to gravity
Friction is the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another
Drag is the force that resiststherelativemotion of an object moving through a fluid such as air or water
Air resistance is the force acting on an object that is moving through airflowinginoppositedirection
Tencion is the force transmitted through a rope or wire whenpulledbyforces
Electrostatic force is the attractive or repulsiveforce between twochargedobjects
Magneticforce is the attraction or repulsion that arises between electrical charged particles of their motion
Thrust is the force that pushes an object forward by expelling or acceleratingmass in opposite direction
Contactforce is a force that is applied by objectsincontactwitheachother
Newton'sfirstlaw: if nonetforce acts on a body, the body continues to maintainitsinitialstate of rest or motionwithconstantspeed
Newton'ssecondlaw: if a force act on a body then the body acceleratesinthedirectionoftheforce and thenetforceistheproduct of mass of the body and the acceleration
Newton'sthirdlaw: when objectAexert a force, then the objectBexertsequal and oppositereaction
Resultant force = mass × acceleration
Acceleration= resultant force/mass
Frictional force is its effect are felt when 2 bodies are in contact with each other
Elastic deformation is when the object returns to its original shape after the force is remove
Factors affecting centripetal force:speed, radius, mass