Some women have levels of FSH that are too low, meaning their eggs cannot mature and no ovulation occurs, meaning they cant get pregnant. FSH and LH can injected into the body to stimulate ovulation
IVF ( in vitro fertilisation ) is the process of collecting womans from the body and fertilising it with sperm, which then grow into embryos
In IVR, once embryos are tiny balls of cells, they are transferred into the womans uterus to improve chances of pregnancy
FSH and LH are given to the woman to stimulate the ovaries to produce eggs before taking one for IVR
Contraception is any technique used to prevent pregnancy. Non-hormonal methods include a barrier methods which restrict the sperm from reaching the egg, and Devices which release chemicals e.g. spermicides
Hormonal contraception are ones which disrupt the reproductive system
Fallopian tubes are thin tubes on each side of the uterus which carry the egg from the ovaries to the uterus
IVF usually costs 5000 pounds per round, so the NHS chooses which couples they allow based on how likely their success rate with be e.g. due to womans age
Contraception has to be done properly or may not work e.g. not taking pills correctly, not using condoms properly
Some forms of contraception include a visit to a doctor, people may feel uncomfortable about procedures involved
Hormonal methods of contraception can have side effects such as mood swings, irregular periods and headaches