Cards (573)

  • Immunology is the study of the immune system—the one that recognizes and disposes foreign materials that enters the body
  • Serology is the study of antigen and antibody reactions
  • Voltaire
    A historian who wrote a book describing how Chinese people do the practice of variolation (the process of preventing "variola"—the virus that causes smallpox)
  • The earliest records in terms of the history of immunology can be traced back on the time of Chinese people, as early as the 15th century
  • Variola
    The virus that causes smallpox
  • Jenner used vaccinia virus as his material for the smallpox vaccine. He noticed that milkmaids who had gotten cowpox were protected from smallpox
  • Haeckel
    First discovered the process of phagocytosis
  • Louis Pasteur
    Known as the "Father of Immunology" because of his numerous vaccine discoveries—live, attenuated chicken cholera and anthrax vaccines; (1885) – live attenuated vaccine for rabies
  • Pasteur discovered that old culture can be used as a source of vaccine
  • Three ways of conducting attenuation
    • Physical
    • Chemical means
    • Aging process
  • Elie Metchnikoff
    Became a Nobel Prize awardee for the cellular theory of immunity through phagocytosis
  • Emil Von Behring, Kitasato
    Proposed humoral theory of immunity
  • Behring and Kitasto hypothesized that cows and horses have anti-tetanus antibodies in their blood and serum; paving the way for passive immunization
  • Robert Koch
    Demonstrated cutaneous hypersensitivity
  • Cutaneous hypersensitivity is also known as "delayed hypersensitivity". It is the response to microbes such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis
  • Gruber and Durham
    Discovered agglutination reactions
  • Ferdinand Widal
    Devised an agglutination reaction for the diagnosis of typhoid fever
  • Variolation
    Performed by getting lesions from infected individuals and then drying it. The lesion gets pulverized and the healthy people inhales it
  • The success rate for variolation process is only fifty-fifty
  • Cross immunity
    An exposure to a related virus can offer protection against another virus that may belong to similar taxonomy classification
  • Phagocytosis
    The process by which a cell uses its plasma membrane to engulf a large particle, giving rise to an internal compartment called the phagosome
  • Phagocyte
    A cell that performs phagocytosis
  • Paul Erlich
    Antibody formation theory
  • Karl Landsteiner
    Discovery of the ABO blood group
  • P. Portier and Charles Richet

    Immediate hypersensitivity anaphylaxis
  • Anaphylaxis is the most serious form of allergy; it can lead to multiple organ failure that is known as "anaphylactic shock"
  • Almoth Wright, Stephen Douglas, Joseph Denys
    Discovered opsonins and described its relation to phagocytosis
  • Von Pirquet and Shick
    Described the relationship of immunity and hypersensitivity
  • Albert Calmette and Camille Guerin

    Discovered the 1st successful vaccine against tuberculosis diseases
  • BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin)

    The vaccine named after Calmette and Guerin
  • Pfeiffer, Buchner
    Discovered complement mediated cytolysis
  • Complement is the principal soluble mediator of inflammation (the response to infection)
  • Jules Bordet
    Received Nobel Prize for his pioneering work
  • George Snell
    Worked out the genetics of the murine MHC (Major Histocompatibility Complex) and generated the congenic strains needed for its biological analysis
  • Niels Jerne
    Developed the hemolytic plaque assay and several important immunological theories including an early version of clonal selection
  • Peter Medawar
    Made studies on acquired immunologic tolerance
  • Baruj Benacerraf
    Discovered immune response genes and collaborated in the first demonstration of MHC restriction
  • Rodney Porter
    Worked out the polypeptide structure of the antibody molecule, laying out the groundwork of its analysis by protein sequencing
  • Rosalyn Yalow
    Developed RIA of peptide hormones; a Nobel Prize awardee
  • Alexander Fleming
    Described the action of lysozymes