Piaget theory

Cards (7)

  • Piaget Theory?
    states: cognitive development occurs through interactions with environment (little scientists), largely solitary process
  • Disequilibrium?

    when a child unsuccessfully applies an existing schema to a new situation. a child modifies existing schemas to take in new information
  • Equilibration?
    driving force behind accommodation. people are motivated to achieve equilibrium.
  • Fantz (1961)?

    support for infant innate schemas, Fantz showed infants showed a preference for a shematic face.
  • Piaget theory weakness?
    overemphasised the importance of equilibration, children vary in motivation to learn. conclusion may reflect biased sample (children from university creche).
  • Piaget theory weakness?
    underplayed the importance of language, he saw it as a result of cognitive development, but others (Vgotsky) saw it as a necessity.
  • Piaget theory positive application?
    education e.g., "discovery" learning. However Bennet (1976) found that formal teaching methods led to more success in English and maths.