0-2 years: children learn via senses & actions. infants learn object permeance at (7-8 months). infant learns through reflexes.
Piaget stages: pre- op?
2-7 yrs: child unable to use logic to problem solve. child cannot view situation from others POV. (egocentric). assumes others think/experience life like they do.
Piaget stages: concrete op?
(7-11 yrs): child learn logic, problem solve, learn to conserve quantities. conservation of mass
Piaget stages: Formal op?
11+ years: children can think abstractly and can problem solve via hypothetical thought
Piaget (1963)?
object put under blanket: children would look at 8 months. toy moved to second hiding place: infants would only look in correct place at 12 months
Bower and Wishort (1972)?
lights turned off while children playing, 1-4 months old would search for up to 90 seconds. therefore Piaget may have underestimated age which object permanence occurs.
Pre-op: preconceptual?
(2-4 yrs) can use words and symbols to represent things, are egocentric and show evidence of cognition.
pre-op: intuitive period?
(4-7)= egocentrism starts to diminish but conservation is demonstrated.
Piaget & Inhelder (1955)- 3 mountains study?
children shown model of 3 mountains doll sat on the other side. had to pick best representative doll
3 mountains study findings?
4 year olds: demonstrated egocentrism always chose own POV. 6 year olds: chose different perspective but not always the right one. 7-8 yrs: chose the correct picture.
Hughes (1975)?
argues 3 mountains study was too hard. stage 1: a policeman doll was placed at various points, child had to say if they could see the doll. stage 2: child had to hide the doll from the policemen
Hughes (1975) findings?
90% of 2.5-5 yrs old managed to do this, demonstrating a lack of egocentrism. This suggest Piaget underestimated children cognitive abilities.
Piaget and Szeminska (1941)?
children presented with 2 beakers same volume asked if one had more volume of the water. water from one beaker in a long thin beakers and question asked.
Piaget and Szeminska (1941)?
children under 7 thought more water in long thin beaker. this shows that children are able to conserve until stage 3 ( concrete operational)
criticism of Piaget research into conservation?
may have interpreted 'more' to mean taller. Rose and Blank- might've thought answer was wrong the first time. Moving the water served no purpose. may've confused the children
McGorringle & Donaldson ( 1974)?
6 yrs old shown 2 identical rows of counters, researcher spread one line out= only 16% of children recognised there was still same no in both lines.