mathematical content

Cards (7)

  • calculatinng percentages: number of parts/ total number of parts *100
  • converting a percentage to a decimal: to convert a percentage to a decimal, remove the % sign and move the decimal two places to the left e.g. 37% - 37.0 - 0.37
  • converting a decimal to a fraction: work out the number of decimal places in your number e.g. 0.81 has two decimal places. if there are two decimal places then divide by 100, if there are three then divide by 1000. the number of decimal places equals the number of zeros e.g. 81/100. the fraction can be reduced using the highest common factors (the biggests number that divides evenly into both
  • we can express information as a ratio. you can use a part to whole ration or a part to part ratio. ratios should always be reduced using the highest common factor.
  • you may need to comment on the mean or the range of a set of data which may require estimating the answer.
    1. = equal sign - equality 2. > strict inequality - greater than 3. < strict inequality - less than 4. >> inequality - much greater than 5. << inequality - much less than 6. proportional to 7. aproximatley equal - weak approximation
  • probability: the accepted level of probability is 0.05 or less. this is written as p = 0.05 which means there is a 5% chance that the results of a particular study sample occurred even if there were no real difference in the population. there is a 95% chance that the results occurred and there is a real difference.