Cards (23)

  • inductive proof
    argument constructed on evidence
  • aposteriori
    statement based on observation, evidence or experience
  • what is the cosmological argument for the existence of god 

    argument put forward by aquinas. suggested that something must have triggered the process that started the beginning of the world. aristotle believed this who started the beginning of the world was the prime mover (god)
  • what is the teleological argument 

    inductive, aposteriori argument which explores the concept of purpose and design in the universe as proof for the existence of god
  • what is aquinas’ first way
    referred to as motion or change. everything is in a state of change/motion therefore something must have caused it
  • aquinas’ summa theological quote for his first way change/motion

    “whatever is in motion is put in motion by another”
  • what does aristotle speak of when referring to state of motion 

    speaks of things moving from a state of potentiality (something that has the possibility of moving/ changing into) towards a state of actuality (where it actually achieves its potential)
  • what did both aristotle and aquinas note from the developments of aristotles points of potentiality and actuality 

    they noted that this change could only happen if something that had already possessed the state of actuality acted on that which was in a state of potentiality. this is known as the efficient cause (third party)
  • what is aquinas’ second way
    deals with the concept of cause and effect. aquinas believes everything observable in nature is subject to this law. when leading to the question ’what is the cause?’ aquinas would answer god
  • aquinas second way quote
    “to take away the cause is to take away the effect“
  • aquinas’ second way analogy for intermediate cause and ultimate cause 

    line of dominoes. one that causes the second one to fall is the intermediate cause as it relies on something else. the second one then causes the third one to fall (ultimate cause) which is the end of the sequence that couldn’t occur unless there was a preceding and intermediate effect
  • what is aquinas’ third way
    deals with the concept of contingency and necessity.
  • what is the necessary being 

    aquinas’ idea that a non-contingent being is necessary for contingent beings to exist. the source of existence for all contingent beings
  • context of the kalam cosmological argument 

    AlGhazali and AlKinadi (two islamic thinkers) developed aristotles ideas of cause and effect and applied it to the muslim faith. claims that everything that begins to exist must have a cause therefore the universe must have a cause. believes there must have been a point where the universe began as they believe the idea of infinite regress is invalid.
  • who modernised the kalam cosmological argument 

    christian apologist william lane craig in 1993
  • what idea does william lane craig reject
    infinite regress
  • what does the kalam argument base itself upon
    the impossibility of the universe being infinite
  • (lines of argument for q1) Evidence based arguments….
    Often more persuasive than arguments that are not
  • Argument
    Flexible to the person's attitude/beliefs as the evidence can be used to support more than one conclusion
  • Inductive arguments -lines of argument q1
    The basis of many scientifically accepted theories
  • (lines of argument q1) Philosophical/theological and scientific arguments
    Have the same basis of persuasiveness
  • (lines of argument q1) Inductive arguments can be challenged by ….
    by alternative evidence which undermines the persuasiveness
  • the extent to which the kalam cosmological argument is convincing
    william craig was writing during the scientific age, he had access to scientific info about the universe, making his argument more convincing. kalam argument is only as convincing as the individuals prior belief or non belief in god. convincing argument for a theist as it appears entirely rational. to a non-theist however it argues the creator of the world is god. (conc) non theist will reject, theist will accept as convincing