Can be found in the blood, urine, stool, or other body fluids of some patients with cancer
Used to estimate prognosis, determine the stage of cancer, detect cancer that remains after treatment (residual disease) or that has returned after treatment, assess how well a treatment is working, monitor whether the treatment has stopped working
An elevated level of a circulating tumor marker may suggest the presence of cancer and can sometimes help to diagnose cancer, but this alone is not enough to diagnose cancer
The only approved FDA method for enumerating Circulating tumor cells
Uses liquid biopsy (blood) to help oncologist to assess the prognosis of patients with metastatic breast, prostate or colorectalcancer
Based on the use of ironnanoparticles coated with a polymer layer carrying biotinanalogues and conjugated with antibodies against EpCAM for the capture of CTCs
Isolation is coupled to an analyzer to take images of isolated cells upon their staining with specific fluorescent antibody conjugates
Difference between allergy blood test and allergy skin test
Allergy skin tests deliver immediate results, but blood tests take a fewdays
Skintests tend to be more accurate, but some people can't have allergy skin tests as in cases of having a skin condition such as hives or a rash, or taking antihistamines
The oxyhemoglobinsaturation of venous blood returning to the rightatrium is normally 70%–75% (with a normal [99%–100%] arterialoxygensaturation), indicating that the normal oxygen extraction ratio is around 25%–30%
In times of decreased oxygen delivery, more oxygen is extracted from the blood that is being perfused to tissues, causing an increased extraction ratio and thus a decrease in venous oxygen saturation