Alliance between Russia, Germany and Austria-Hungary to consult on mutual interests in Europe and remain neutral when any one member state took military action against a non-member
There was a major problem with the Three Emperors League arrangement as Austria-Hungary and Russia were in competition with each other for influence over the Balkans
Desire to control Balkans
Many European powers wanted to keep the weakened Ottoman Empire in the Balkans to prevent any one European state from gaining full control over the Balkans
Russia's interest in the Balkans
Protect valuable trade routes and promote Pan-Slavism (unity of all Slavic peoples)
Austria-Hungary's interest in the Balkans
Restore prestige and territory lost, counter nationalist pressures from Slavs who wanted to break away
Bosnia and Herzegovina rebelled against Ottoman rule, beginning the First Balkan Crisis
Serbia declared war on Turkey
Russia, based on pan-Slavism, declared war on Turkey
Turkey sued for peace, Bismarck mediated the dispute at the Congress of Berlin
Bismarck sought to prevent Russian control of the Balkans to maintain the balance of power in Europe
Russia was resentful about Bismarck's role in their defeat and suspicious of German policy
Russia begins to worry about the strengthened German-Austro-Hungarian link and signs the Second Three Emperors League
Italy joins the Triple Alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary
German policy changes as Kaiser Wilhelm II dismisses Bismarck
Dual Entente alliance formed between Russia and France
Minor events in the Balkans now had the potential to cause a European war due to the complex web of alliances
France ends the Triple Alliance by secretly negotiating with Italy
France and Britain sign the Entente Cordiale
The Entente Cordiale was a friendly understanding, not a military alliance, but Germany behaved as if it was anti-German
Germany tries to break up the Entente Cordiale over the Moroccan crisis, but the Algeciras Conference strengthens it instead
Anglo-Russian Entente signed, establishing the Triple Entente of Britain, Russia and France
Russia's adoption of industrialization was driven by the need to improve its military strength in light of the European alliance system