Sectoral Structure of Value Added in the EU (2000-2020)
Services: Increased from 69.2% to 73.1%. Industry: Decreased from 22.6% to 19.5%. Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing: Dropped from 2.5% to 1.8%. Construction: Slight decrease from 5.7% to 5.5%.
Sectoral Structure of Value Added in the EU (2021)
Services: Decreased to 72.4%, with the highest shares in Luxembourg (87.2%), Cyprus, and Malta. Industrial Economy: Highest share in Ireland (41.2%) and Czechia (28.6%). Construction and Agriculture: Highest contributions in Romania.
Current Account: Goods and services, primary income, secondary income. Capital Account. Financial Account: Financial derivatives, other investments, reserve assets.
Current + Capital Account Balance: Net lending (+) / Net borrowing (-). Financial Account Balance: Difference between net acquisition of financial assets and net incurrence of liabilities. Errors and Omissions: Compensate deviations between real and financial transactions.
International Trade in Goods with Non-Member Countries (2002-2021)
In 2021, the EU exported goods worth €2,181 billion, resulting in a trade surplus of €62 billion. Top export markets: US, UK, China. Top import origins: China, US, Russia.
Real Effective Exchange Rates and Competitiveness Indicators
Harmonised Competitiveness Indicators: Based on consumer price indices, GDP deflators, and unit labour cost indices. Trade Weights: Used to assess competitiveness.
Economic activities are distributed across regions due to various factors like natural resource endowments, weather, location, landscape, client mass, and skilled labour supply. Regional employment specialization is analysed by comparing a region’s employment share in a specific sector to the EU average.