Lecture 3

Cards (15)

  • Sectoral Structure of Value Added in the EU (2000-2020)

    Services: Increased from 69.2% to 73.1%. Industry: Decreased from 22.6% to 19.5%. Agriculture, Forestry, and Fishing: Dropped from 2.5% to 1.8%. Construction: Slight decrease from 5.7% to 5.5%.
  • Sectoral Structure of Value Added in the EU (2021)

    Services: Decreased to 72.4%, with the highest shares in Luxembourg (87.2%), Cyprus, and Malta. Industrial Economy: Highest share in Ireland (41.2%) and Czechia (28.6%). Construction and Agriculture: Highest contributions in Romania.
  • Sectoral Structure in Terms of Employment in the EU (2000-2020)

    Services: Employment increased from 64.6% to 73.2%.
  • Size Class Classification of Firms
    Micro Firms: Less than 10 employees. Small Firms: 10 to 49 employees. Medium-sized Firms: 50 to 249 employees. Large Firms: 250 or more employees.
  • Basic Components of Balance of Payments
    Current Account: Goods and services, primary income, secondary income. Capital Account. Financial Account: Financial derivatives, other investments, reserve assets.
  • Interpretation of Balances
    Current + Capital Account Balance: Net lending (+) / Net borrowing (-). Financial Account Balance: Difference between net acquisition of financial assets and net incurrence of liabilities. Errors and Omissions: Compensate deviations between real and financial transactions.
  • International Trade in Goods with Non-Member Countries (2002-2021)
    In 2021, the EU exported goods worth €2,181 billion, resulting in a trade surplus of €62 billion. Top export markets: US, UK, China. Top import origins: China, US, Russia.
  • International Trade in Goods with Member States
    In 2021, 61.2% of EU trade was intra-EU. Highest intra-EU trade shares in Luxembourg (85.8%), Slovakia, and Czechia.
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Flows
    FDI data covers investment positions, flows, and income by countries.
  • Real Effective Exchange Rates and Competitiveness Indicators
    Harmonised Competitiveness Indicators: Based on consumer price indices, GDP deflators, and unit labour cost indices. Trade Weights: Used to assess competitiveness.
  • Relative Specialisation Index (RSI)

    RSIi,j= RSI_{i,j} =(GVAi,jGVAj)(GVAi,EUGVAEU) \frac{\left(\frac{GVA_{i,j}}{GVA_j}\right)}{\left(\frac{GVA_{i,EU}}{GVA_{EU}}\right)}
  • RSIi,j>1RSI_i,_j>1
    Region j is specialised in sector i
  • RSIi,j1RSI_i,_j\approx1
    Similar specialisation to the EU average
  • RSIi,j<1RSI_i,_j<1
    Below average specialisation in sector i
  • Economic activities are distributed across regions due to various factors like natural resource endowments, weather, location, landscape, client mass, and skilled labour supply. Regional employment specialization is analysed by comparing a region’s employment share in a specific sector to the EU average.