Socio-cultural influences

Cards (67)

  • What things affect participation?
    ethnicity (race, religion and culture)
    family, friends and peers
  • Why are women less likey to participate in sport?
    stereotyping: seen as 'weaker sex' and some sport are seen as 'traditionally male'
    elite women sport receive less media coverage (tends to focus on looks and personal life)
    • lack of money in elite women sports
    family commitments: have to look after children or elderly parents as well as cook, clean and shop
    • few female role models due to less media coverage
  • What is a role model?

    a person looked up on by others as an example to be imitated
  • How does ethnicity affect participation?
    • often limited to traditional sports
    • some religions have to fast
    • some religions have dress codes which makes participation more challenging
  • How does age affect participation?
    • work means people have little free time
    • middle age people tend to have little disposable income (money left over)
    • physical changes caused by ageing also impact participation
    • skill level can improve with age and experience
    • older people are more likely to suffer injuries and take longer to recover
  • How does family affect participation?
    • pass on positive attitudes to sport they play
    negative attitudes to sport can prevent participation
    -> won't want to buy equipment or provide transport
    • might to be able to afford equipment and transport
  • How do friends and peers affect participation?
    • if peer group likes sport, good 'peer pressure' makes you join
    • if peer group don't like sport, bad 'peer pressure' might make you not play as it can be difficult to go against the group
  • How can disability affect participation?
    • less opportunities for disabled
    -> limited teaches or coaches with necessary qualifications
    -> local facilities not fully adapted for disabled
    • disabled may struggle to travel
    • disabled may be reliant on benefits, not having much disposable income
    • increased media coverage of paralympics encourages others
    • due to increased media coverage more role models
  • What is commericalisation?

    the management or exploitation of a person, organisation or activity in a way designed to make a profit
  • What is the media?

    a diverse range of technologies that acts as a means of mass communication
  • What are the 4 types of media (+examples)?
    1. Broadcast - television and radio
    2. Internet and social media
    3. Print media - newspapers and magazines
    4. Outdoor media - billboards
  • What is a sponsor?

    an individual or group, usually a company, that provides financial or other forms of support to an event, activity, person or organisation
  • What is a sponsorship?

    provision of funds or other forms of support to an event, activity, person or organisation in return for some kind of commercial return
  • What are the 3 types lf sponsorship?
    1. Financial
    2. Clothing, equipment and footwear
    3. Facilities
  • What are the positive impacts of sponsorship and media on a performer?
    • more money to pay higher wages
    media coverage can mean they become role models and heroes
    • more money available to pay for new technologically advanced kit, equipment and facilities or even free
    • more money to pay for better coaching and training programmes
    • more competitions, increasing the standard of competition nationally to increase international profile
  • What are the negative impacts of sponsorship and media on a performer?

    • strong media coverage can increase pressure and decrease enjoyment
    • media coverage can mean mistakes become very public
    • sponsers may demand how performer behaves which can contradict with what they or team sponser wants them to do
    • have to maintain appeal to sponsers and media which can distract from training
  • What are the positive impacts of sponsorship and media the officials?

    • media coverage can make them role models or heroes
    • more money sport has, the more professional the role of the offical becomes increasing need of career
  • What are the negative impacts of sponsorship and media on the officials?

    • strong media coverage makes mistakes public
    • media presence can increase pressure to make right decision and reduce enjoyment
  • What are the positive impacts of sponsorship and media on sport?

    • increased interest that have media coverage which increases participation
    • more money available to support grass-roots participation
    • more money available for teams to pay for kit, equipment, facilities, coaches and players
    • bigger prize funds and rewards for winning
    • more money spent on technological developments
    • more competitions, increasing participation
    • more role models created
  • What are the negative impacts of sponsorship and media on sport?

    rules of sports changed to meet requirements of media and sponsors
    • over exposure can cause people to loss interest
    • majority of women sports have less media coverage
    • controversies become sensationalised
    • sports can become dependent on money they receive from the media and sponsers
    • sponsers may sell products or services that promote poor lifestyle choices that supports disagree with
  • What are the positive impacts of sponsorship and media on audience/supporters?

    • events televised, making it easier to support your sport or team
    • commentary educates views at home
    • live coverage, highlights, documentaries and coaching tip satisfy spectators interest in sport and educate them
    media provides information about results, fixtures and rankings
    • good quality facilities making viewing live sport more comfortable
  • What are the negative mpacts of sponsorship and media on audience/spectator?

    • timing of event can change to suit worldwide audiences
    • more people stay home and watch on tv or internet
    • most sport is shown via subscription or pay-per-view services making it expensive to watch
    • the more popular the sport becomes the more difficult to get tickets
  • What are the positive impacts of sponsorship and media on a sponser?

    • sponsers name or brand is link to positive activity or performer
    advertised to wide audience
  • What are the negative mpacts of sponsorship and media on a sponser?

    • if sponsers name is linked to sport, team or performer that is hit by scandal it can have damaging effect on reputation
  • What are the positive impacts of technology on a performer?
    performance analysis aids can be used to improve performance
    • performers may use technology to ask officials to review decisions that go against them
  • What are the negative impacts of technology on a performer?
    • not always available as its expensive to buy and install
    • too mant reviews can disrupt play putting performer at a psychological disadvantage
  • What are the positive impacts of technology on a sport?
    • makes competition fairer as decisions can be changed or reconsidered
    • guarantees correct decision will be made
  • What are the negative impacts of technology on a sport?
    • to many reviews disrupts play, annoying performers, officials and spectators
  • What are the positive impacts of technology on officials?
    • provides officials with extra help if they need clarification
    • officials can communicate through microphone and earpiece
    • guarantees correct decision
  • What are the negative impacts of technology on officials?
    • can undermine official if technology flag poor decision and is broadcast to wide audience
    • officials can become reliant on technology and make fewer on-field decisions
  • What are the positive impacts of technology on audience/spectators?
    • can see how decisions are made
    • provides them with confidence of fair decisions
    • review proccess can add tension and excitement
  • What are the negative impacts of technology on audience/spectators?
    • can cause poor spectators behaviour if decision is not reviewed
    • if online viewers have access to technology official doesnt and makes bad decision can cause problems
  • What are the positive impacts of technology on a sponser/company?
    fair play helps sport project good image into sponser/company
  • What are the negative impacts of technology on a sponser/company?
    • not available at all levels of sport
  • What is etiquette?

    a convention or unwritten rule in an activity, not enforced but usually observed
  • What is sportsmanship?

    conforming to the rules, spirit and etiquette of a sport
  • What is gamesmanship
    attempting to gain an advantage by stretching the rules to their limit
  • What is contract to complete?

    an unwritten of agreement between opponents to follow and abide by the written and unwritten rules of the sport
  • What are the perceived advantages of taking PEDs?
    increase chance of success
    • success leads to fame and fortune
    • used to level playing field, believe all performers use them, so not taking them would put them at a disadvantage
  • What are the disadvantages of taking PEDs?
    cheating and unethical
    • if caught reputation is irreparably damaged
    • if caught may be stripped of medal and prize money
    • being caught immediately leads to a ban, sometimes a lifetime ban stopping their career
    • if caught may be fined and lose sponsorships
    • serious side effects
    reputation of sport is seriously damage especially if large numbers of performers are caught and banned
    • credibility of sport is questioned, successful performers might be suspected of cheating