Health, fitness and well-being

Cards (42)

  • What is physical health and well-being?

    all body systems working well, free from illness and injury, and able to carry out everyday tasks
  • What benefits are there to maintaining physical health and well-being?

    • improves heart function, making it more efficient at pumping blood around body
    • improve efficiency of body syestems
    • reduces risk of some diseases, such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease
    • enables you to carry put everday tasks more effectively
    • helps aviod obesity
  • What is mental health and well-being?

    a state of well-being in which a person realises their potential, is able to cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productivity and make a contribution to their community
  • What benefits are there to maintaining mental health and well-being?

    • reduces stress levels, which reduces physical tension that can lead to injury
    • release feel good hormone such as serotonin which contributes to well-being and happiness
    • can help you control your emotions better
  • What is social health and well-being?

    basic human needs (food, clothing and shelter) are being met and an individual is socially active, they experience little stress in social situations, and have friends and a support network
  • What are the benefits of maintaining social health and well-being?

    • provides opportunities to socialise and make friends
    • enables you to cooperate with other people
    • enables you to work collaboratively, in a team with other people
  • What is fitness?

    the ability to meet or cope with the demands of the environment
  • What are the benefits of maintaining fitness?

    • enables you to improve levels of fitness, helping you maintain physical, mental and social health and well-being
    • reduces chance of injury
    • ensure you are physically able to work
  • What is a sedentary lifestyle?

    a lifestyle with irregular or no physical activity
  • What are the consequences of a sedentary lifestyle?

    • increased risk of:
    -> developing poor sleeping patterns
    -> lethargy (lack of energy and enthusiasm)
    -> hypertension (high blood pressure in arteries)
    -> developing poor self-esteem
    -> heart disease
    -> developing type 2 diabetes
    weight gain, possibly lead to obesity
  • What does obese mean?

    a term used to describe people with a high fat content, caused by an imbalance in the number of calories consumed and the amount of energy expended
  • How do you know if your obese?
    using BMI (body mass index) and if your higher than 30 your considered obese
  • How do you calculate BMI?

    weight (kg) ÷ (height)² (m)
  • What are the physical effects of obesity?

    • increased risk of:
    -> cancer
    -> heart disease and attacks
    -> hypertension
    -> developing type 2 diabetes
    -> pressure on joints
    -> high cholesterol levels, which blocks arteries, restricting blood flow
  • What are the mental effects of obesity?

    • increased risk of depression which can include feeling of sadness and hopelessness, losing interest in things you use to enjoy, tiredness and feeling tearful
    • risk of loss of confidence and self confidence
  • What are the social effects of obesity?

    • being unable to socialise leading to poor mental health
    • being unable to leave the house, either as you are physically unable to or to self-conscious to
  • What is a somatotype?

    a method of classifying body types
  • What is an ectomorph?

    a somatotype characterised by being tall and thin, with narrow shoulders and hips
  • What sports are ectomorphs suited to?

    • due to slight build they are not suited to power or strength sports
    endurance events where their light frame is an advantage
  • What is a mesomorph?

    a somatotype characterised by a muscular appearance, wide shoulders and narrow hips
  • What sports are mesomorphs suited to?
    strength, agility and speed sports
    • can participate in any sport
  • What is an endomorph?

    a somatotype characterised by a pear-shaped body and a tendancy towards fatness, they have narrow shoulders and wide hips
  • What sports are endomorphs suited to?

    • find endurance events difficult
    weight can be used as an advantage in certain playing positions such as pack members in a scrum
  • What is a calorie?

    a unit of measurement for heat or energy production in the body, expressed as Kcal
  • How do we maintain weight?

    balance the amount of energy taken into the body with the amount of energy expended
  • What factors affect calories required and why?

    Age - under 25 need more as when your older body replaces muscle with fat
    Gender - men tend to need more as the have a larger skeleton and greater muscle mass
    Height - taller people have larger skeletons that they have to move
    • Energy expenditure - more exercise you do the more energy you need to get from calories
  • What is a balanced diet?

    a diet that contains the right quantities of food so you consume only as many calories as you expend each day; and the right mix of different type of food so the body receives all the nutrients, vitimins and minerals it needs
  • What is nutrition?

    the intake of food, considered in relation to the body's dietary needs, takes the form of a balanced diet
  • What is the role of carbohydrates?

    are the main and preferred energy sources for all types of exercise, at all intensities
  • How much of your diet should be carbohydrates?

  • What are the two types of carbohydrates and what do they do?

    simple - known as sugars contain glucose which breaks down quickly and provides immediate energy
    complex - known a starches are released slowly and are less likey to be stored as fat
  • What is the role of fat?

    • is also an energy source, provides more energy than carbohydrates but only exercising at low intensity
    • protects vital organs
    • provides insulation
  • How much of your diet should be fat?

  • What are the two types of fat?

    saturated - to much can increase risk of developing heart disease and becoming obese
    unsaturated - reduces risk of heart disease
  • What is the role of protein?

    supports muscle growth and repair
  • How much of your diet should be protein?

  • What are the role of vitamins and minerals?

    • vitamins are organic substances
    • minerals are inorganic substances
    • keep the body systems working efficiently ensuring good health
  • How much of your diet should be vitamins and minerals?

    small quantities
  • What is hydration?
    having enough water in the body to enable it to function properly
  • What is dehydration?

    excessive loss if water from the body, interrupting the normal functioning of the body