Both Steinbeck and Fitzgerald argue for a stable functioningAmerica with women knowing their roles to carry out within society however, Fitzgerald argues that women have too much freedom and society should revert back to traditionalwomen'sroles.Steinbeckrejects this view and celebrates women and maternaltraits.
Gatsby 1 - daisy rejects being a mother - freedom
"Im glad its a girl. And I hopeshe'll be a fool - that's the bestthing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool". "The officerlooked at daisy while she wasspeaking, in a wayeveryyounggirl wants to be looked at by someone". "Hervoice is full of money"
Gatsby1 criitc
De Beauvoir "a woman'swings are cut and then she is blamed for notknowinghow to fly" De Beauvoir "man is defined as a humanbeingand a woman as a female"
Gatsby 2 - Daisy choosingTom over Gatsby - she goes with the old rather than the new - being confined to aman
"I didlovehimonce but I loved you too". "I disapprove of himbeginning to end". "I neverlovedhim"
Gatsby 2 critics
Fitzgerald 'the bookcontains no importantfemalecharacter'Evola "Americanwomen are characteristicallyfrigid and materialistic"
Grapes 1 - opposite to daisy as ma Joad loved being a mother
"Jesus, I hopema'scookingsampin". "usedto be family was fast. It aint so now. its anybody". "magave out foodfreely to hungrychildren"
grapes 1 critic
Motely "ma joadsgrowingpower as a source of communalstrength". DeBeauvoir "one is notborn, but ratherbecomes, a woman"
grapes 2 - ma prevents the family splitinforming the collectivism
"women can changebetter'n a man". "we're the people that live. They can'twipeusout". "wemuststicktogether"
grapes 2 critics
Williamson "to increasema joads influence is to masculinise her, to decreasepa'sinfluence is to emasculatehim"Irvine"women in Steinbecks novel are portrayed as adaptable in times of adversity"
Gatsby context
Written in 1920sNewYork. The economicboom was in the 1920s so there was lots of wealth.
Written in the 1930s.Women roles moved from having primarydomestic roles to being activemembers of society. They gained employmentoutside of the household and were often responsible of their familiessurvival. Most of the experiences female characters had took place on the road, which reinforces an idea of the contrast between private and public . The Great Depression in 1929 led to a change of male roles which impacted the women.