Investigating Microbial Growth (Required Practical)

Cards (14)

  • The effect of antimicrobial substances on the growth of microorganisms can be investigated using the following steps:
    • Make conditions aseptic
    • Spread bacteria
    • Place the antibiotic ring
    • Incubate
    • Observe growth patterns
  • It is important to make sure the conditions for the experiment are aseptic, this prevents the growth of unwanted microorganisms that might affect the results
  • Why are aseptic techniques important?
    Prevents the growth of unwanted microorganisms that might affect the results
  • What are some examples of aseptic techniques?

    Disinfecting surfaces, sterilising equipments, flaming the neck of bottles upon opening
  • To spread the bacteria, use a pure culture of the bacteria to make a lawn spread on the petri dish
  • Place an antibiotic ring on the surface of the agar and place the lid of the petri dish on and secure loosely with tape
  • Why shouldn’t the lid of a petri dish be sealed shut?
    Aerobic bacteria need oxygen to grow.
  • Do not completely tape shut the lid of the Petri dish, to allow the flow of oxygen and prevent the growth of anaerobic bacteria
  • Incubate the Petri dish upside down for 24-48 hours to allow the bacteria to grow
  • How long should the petri dish be incubated?
    24-48 hours
  • Incubating the Petri dish upside down prevents condensation from dripping onto the agar
  • Why is the petri dish stored upside down?
    To prevent condensation from dripping onto the agar
  • A zone of inhibition should be seen around the antibiotic ring
  • What is a zone of inhibition?

    Area around an antibiotic disk where bacteria do not grow.