protein trafficking

Cards (3)

    1. proteins produced on ribosomes of RER
    2. folded and processes in RER
    3. vesicles w protein bud off RER and fuse with sacs of golgi body
    4. modified in Golgi- packages proteins into vesicles to be transported round the cell where needed, some leave via exocytosis
  • Explain protein trafficking (4) 
    -       Proteins are folded in the RER
    -       Proteins are packaged into and transported in vesicles
    -       Protein is modified in the golgi apparatus and packaged into vesicles
    -       Leave cell via exocytosis
  • Describe the roles of golgi body and vesicles in the formation and transport of extracellular enzymes (4)
    -       Vesicles fuse with the golgi apparatus and proteins enter 
    -       Modification of proteins inside golgi apparatus
    -       Proteins packaged into vesicles
    -       Vesicles fuse with cell surface membrane for proteins/enzymes to release via exocytosis