Ducks Phase Model

Cards (5)

  • Duck's Phase Model - Breakdown of Relations
    3 reasons for breakdown
    • Pre-existing doom - individuals arent compatible from start
    • Mechanical failure - no longer able to function as couple
    • Sudden death - traumatic event e.g. cheating
  • Ducks Phase Model Process:
    1. Intra-psychic - partners consider feelings about relationship problems, plans confrontation, considers alternatives
    2. Dyadic - partners confront eachother to discuss relating to equity, intimacy and costs of breakup
    3. Social - tell social networks of splitting, take part in social activities to get over relationship, pick sides
    4. Grave-dressing - create narrative of break-up to save face, blame partner/circumstances out of control
  • (+) A03: Tashiro + Frazer (2003)

    Self report of 96 graduates on their breakups
    • Found relationships broke down in stages as expected by theory, especially the grave-dressing stage
  • (+) A03: Duck (2006)
    Improved the model further by adding Ressurection stage, where the person focuses on reconfiguring themselves as an individual with new hobbies, interests etc
  • (-) A03: Beta Bias
    The model states the same process for both genders, minimising potential differences
    • Men often cite lack of sex
    • Women often cite lack of emotional support