Both Fitzgerald and Steinbeck argue that morality has lost its importance.Fitzgerald criticises how America has lost all its morality as people get away with immoral behaviour as there is no justice of laws.Steinbeck argues that capitalism is immoral as it rewards people who do bad or immoral things.
Gatsby1 - Georges belief in religion
"I told her she mightfool me but she couldn'tfoolgod" "godknowswhat you've been doing, everything you've been doing" "godseeseverything" "thank you for the light". "Thevalley of ashes" critique this religious view as this is a place of recklessness
Gatsby 1 critics
Chisholm "when moralitycomesupagainstprofit, it is seldom that profitloses"
Gatsby 2 - Georges death and the irony of the murder plan of tom but kills Gatsby instead
"fantasticfigureglidingtowardshim through the amorphoustrees" "Wilsons body a littleway of in to thegarden" "Wilsonwasgone" "a thinredcircle in thewater"
Gatsby 2 critic
Deterministtheory "morality is unimportant because people have nocontrol have over their actions and cannot be held responsible for them". Eisenhower "a people that values its privileges above its principles soon losesboth"
grapes 1 - JimCaseydiscovery of being a moral person
"I aintgotthecallnomore... I got a lot of sinful ideas but they sees kinda sensible". his departure from traditional beliefs "if you're in trouble or hurt or need - go to the poor people.They're the onlyonesthat will help". "seems like I cansee a whole new waynow"
grapes 2 critic
rombold "casydenounces as sinful the system and the people who let "the smell of rot fill the country"".
grapes 1 critic
rombold "like Emerson, casy came to the conviction that holiness, or goodness, results from this feeling of unity
grapes2 - Jim cases death/ how it sparks a movement and creates new morality
"you fellas don't know what you'redoin'. Your helpin' to starve kids". "fella got killed. Got hishead cut by a pickhandle". "Caseydidn'tdieout. He's looking for a newway"
Gatsby context
written in 1920s a point of individualism and loss of morality. Due to the economicboom everyone became more selfish and the sense of community and helping one another became lost and fragmented. Collectivity was lost and wealth was the only importance.
grapes context
written in 1930s during the greatdepression and the suffering of the dustbowl. There is becoming a sense of community and collectivism again and there is an introduction of movement in to the future for a progression of American society.