The actions of Stalin and the USSR in the Berlin Blockade had worried them.
They wanted military protection from future aggression.
What were the consequences of the creation of NATO?
The USSR was contained in Europe, ensuring if it attacked any European member of NATO the other members would come to that country's aid.
All NATO members were protected by the promise of mutual military aid against any Soviet attack, helping to make the security of western Europe stronger.
In response to West Germany joining NATO, the Soviet Union formed the Warsaw Pact in 1955 so the USSR had full military control over eastern Europe.
The USA had committed to a military presence in Europe.
What message was sent by the creation of NATO?
The USA and western European countries would not accept Soviet aggression.
The West would maintain the idea of containment set out in the Truman Doctrine.
Why was NATO important?
It was based on the idea of 'collective security' - when one country is attacked, the rest must assist it.
It acted as a deterrent to a military attack by the Soviet Union on western Europe.
What was the Warsaw Pact?
The Warsaw Pact was a defensive military alliance between the USSR and eastern European countries.
When was the Warsaw Pact signed?
14th May, 1955.
Why was the Warsaw Pact created?
The USSR felt threatened when West Germany was allowed to join NATO in 1955 because Germany had invaded Russia in both world wars.
The Pact would increase the USSR's control over eastern Europe.
What did the members of the Warsaw Pact agree to?
By joining the Warsaw Pact, members agreed to defend each other if they were attacked by a non-member. This was the idea of collective security.
What were the consequences of the creation of the Warsaw Pact?
The USSR increased control over the satellite states in eastern Europe because it dominated the Pact.
Europe was now divided politically, economically and militarily into two hostile camps.
It intensified the armsrace with the West.
What was the arms race?
The arms race was a competition between the USA and the USSR to gain military dominance by developing their nuclear capabilities and weapons.
When was the arms race?
The Soviet Union emerged as a nuclear power in 1949, leading to the arms race with the USA. This lasted until the end of the Cold War in 1990.
What was the importance of the arms race?
It led to the fear of mutually assured destruction as each side had enough weapons to destroy the world many times over.
The USA and the USSR had to find ways to solve disputes that did not result in a nuclear war.
What were the most important events of the arms race?
1945 - the USA dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, bringing the Second World War to an end.
1949 - the USSR tested an atomic bomb.
1952 - the USA developed the hydrogen bomb.
1953 - the USSR tested its own hydrogen bomb.
1957 - both the USA and USSR successfully tested intercontinentalballistic missiles (ICBMs).
1962 - the Cuban Missile Crisis was the highest point of tension in the armsrace.
What role did brinkmanship play in the arms race?
An enemy could be forced to back down in a moment of crisis by pushing it to the brink of an unwanted war.
To make any threats credible, each side needed nuclearweapons.
The CubanMissile Crisis is an example of brinkmanship. The USA and the USSR were very close to a nuclear war until the USSR backed down.
What was the theory of mutually assured destruction, or MAD in the arms race?
It had developed by the 1960s.
It stated that if either the USA or USSR used their nuclear weapons, both would be destroyed. Each possessed so many, the resulting damage and destruction would be unimaginable.
It was believed war would be prevented because both sides feared it; a nuclear war was, in theory, unwinnable.
What was nuclear utilisation target selection in the arms race?
Developed in the 1980s.
Was a theory President Reagan believed in. He thought a limited nuclear war was possible as long as the USA struck the USSR first and wiped out its nuclear weapons
What were intercontinental ballistic missiles in the arms race?
Intercontinental ballistic missiles, called ICBMs, were nuclear-armed ballistic missiles with a range of more than 3,500 miles.
What were anti-ballistic missiles in the arms race?
Anti-ballistic missiles were missiles that would intercept and destroy other ballistic missiles. The USA and the USSR developed ABMs in the 1960s.