Russian actions against Ukraine: Russian annexation of Crimea -> 2014
Russian actions against Ukraine: Russian invasion of Ukraine -> 2022
First Gulf War -> 1990 - 1991
Highlights the initial ‘unity’ post end of Cold War - UN can now be effective as Russia not using veto
However also shows UN sanctioning use of hard power
US in position as hegemon - leading coalition to to expel Hussein - keeps to UN mandate in actions
Somalia - 1992
Failure of UN peacekeeping mission
Impacted on US’ willingness to intervene in Rwanda?
Example of failed intervention
Indicative of post cold war conflicts - civil war/ethnic divisions Failure of UN peacekeeping
Failure of UNSC - shows impact if US lacks willingness to intervene
Shaped the thinking behind the iciss report of 2002 that led to r2p
Bosnian War and Srebrenica
Failure of UN peacekeeping in Srebrenica
NATO effectively brought Serbs to negotiating table - use of hard power - sanctioned by UN resolution
NATO is also an example of humanitarian intervention
The UN learned from these catastrophes - 1992 UN Agenda for Peace Report - 2005 UN Peacekeeping mission established - greater emphasis on peace building
NATO success - hard power - in stopping Milosevic (No UN mandate this time)
NATO peacekeeping force in Kosovo - example of NATO extending its role
Led to UN tribunals to try war crimes
Sierrra Leonne
Successful example of humanitarian intervention (2000) by Britain
Also successful example of UN peacekeeping mission
Hard power to achieve ends - US acting mainly on own initially
Not authorised by a specific UN resolution
But ultimate withdrawal and return of Taliban shows ineffectiveness of hard power and folly of intervention
2003 NATO took over the command of the international Security ASsistance Force in
Afghanistan - first mission outside of North Atlantic area - drew NATO more into the ‘war on Terror’
Iraq War - 2003
Highlights ineffectiveness of UN - supports realist theory re states acting in own interest
Height of US hegemony - led by neo-cons believing that can impose US style democracy via regime change - with hard power.
Results damaged US soft power - Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo - decline of US as hegemon starting?
US ignored international law - realism
Example of failed intervention
Arab Spring
Triumph of liberalism- initially
Backlash against cultural glob
Also how tools of globalisation allow communication across borders - Facebook
Fukuyama was wrong
Highlights ineffectiveness of UNSC
US no longer hegemon - Russia stepping into US vacuum
Reluctance to deploy r2p post libya
E.g. of humanitarian intervention - first intervention tied to ‘R2P’+ makes the case against intervention as a now failed state
US led coalition launched air and missile strikes against Libya forces.
Authorisation by UNSC for creation of safe zones for civilians- backed by Arab League (though NATO also took military action against government of Gaddafi)
NATO took over responsibility for policing the no-fly zone
Myanmar – Rohingyas
No r2p - realism
Limits of inter law - icj ruling ignored
China and Uighars
Limits of international law and courts
Realism eg uk supplying weapons to saudi
Powerful countries can act without fear of intervention
Russia invasion of Ukraine 2014 and 2023
Security dilemma
US reasserting position as a hegemon - acting as world policeman
Shows need for NATO - also shows how expansion of NATO post 1990s has caused resentment in Russia
Importance of international law - Russia violated state sovereignty
EU response - collective action = liberalism
Taiwan China
Sign of ascendancy of hard power - realism
Sign of china’s growing strength and power - multipolar world