CS Malawi vs India

Cards (6)

  • Malawi Location: southern hemisphere, SE of Africa, S of Tanzania, W of Zambia and N of Mozambique
  • India Location: northern hemisphere, S of Asia, S of Nepal, E of Pakistan and NW of Sri Lanka
  • Malawi (LIC)
    • Capital: Lilongwe
    • Area: 110km2
    • Pop.: 20.3m
    • Pop. Change: 2.4% per year
    • Births per thousand: 29
    • Deaths per thoursand: 5
    • Life expectancy: 72yrs
    • Income: 1080 US$ per person
  • India (NIC)
    Area: 3288km2
    Birth rate - 23
    Death rate -  7
    Life expectancy - 641188.8million population (2010)HDI - 0.5196 doctors per 10 000 people
    $2960 USD GDP
    Higher urban percentage
  • Malawi
    • agriculture makes up 85% of Malawi‘s exports
    • Tea industry employed 50k seasonal workers (they lose their job when season ends)
    • 90% Malawi’s tea is exported to the UK and relies on it, making them vulnerable in world trade, tariffs and quotas
    • reliant on aid from IMF and world bank
    • vulnerable as it relies on exporting primary products
  • India
    • invested heavily in education - highly skilled workforce
    • world’s largest democracy - stability is good for economic growth
    • low wages compared to other developing nations - attractive place to invest in
    • economy has been transformed by telecoms, IT and other technology